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Charles G. - la plata, NM 87418 ( 29.6 mi ) - $ 37.00 to 43.00 /hr

Charles G.

  • la plata, NM 87418 ( 29.6 mi )
  • Male
  • Member Since: 05/2009
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $37.00 to $43.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Computer, Science, Math, Writing, Reading, Physics, Geometry, Elementary, Calculus I, Algebra I

More About This Tutor...

I believe it is best to offer guidance, and allow the student to go through the process of discovery. Things learned independently are much more prized and valuable. Of course, one cannot let them flounder too long so that discouragement sets in. And it is best to find out what they like, and to work with that as much as possible.
While in New York, I worked for two years as a teacher of Science at a Junior High school in the Bronx. There I was awarded "Rookie-Teacher-of-the-Year." For one year, I also tutored after school to earn extra money. I have also taught in California and Santa Fe, NM. My passion is to be an International speaker on the topics of Metaphysics and Spirituality.

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