We provide free access to qualified tutors across the U.S.

Find the perfect tutor now!

Benefit from our experience and vast presence on the web.

We have been helping match tutors with students for over 20 years. We strive to make choosing and managing your tutors as easy and convenient as possible. You can search and select tutors from all over the US, and quickly find tutors for the whole family! Stay connected with your tutors either from the comfort of home or on the go with our mobile friendly site!

TutorSelect makes it easy to get started, easy to manage, & safe and secure!

TutorSelect has tutors within 10 miles of 90% of the US population.

Chances are, you will find a TutorSelect tutor near you!

Once you have selected a tutor that meets all of your requirements you simply make schedule and payment arrangements and get started!

We suggest communicating with your tutor within 24hrs of your initially scheduled session to confirm what you have agreed upon including time, place, and payment arrangements.

Find Your Perfect Tutor Now

TutorSelect has been successfully matching students with tutors for decades.

Using our site for your tutoring needs, means that you control which tutors you interview, how much you will pay, and where your tutoring will take place.

Simple and Easy to Find a Tutor

Finding the perfect tutor starts with submitting a tutor request.

Your request should be as specific about your needs as possible so the tutors can determine if they have the skills you are seeking.

Let the tutor know some details about the specific coursework or the student's academic weaknesses, the best days and times you can meet, the location you want to meet, how much you can afford, and for about how long you will need a tutor.

Correspond with tutors in our secure environment before selecting the best match.

Not interested in searching yourself?

Request what you need...
and let the tutors respond to you!

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