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A Tutor in the Spotlight!

ANTHONY A. - Swift Tutoring Online or Nearby - $ 20 to 150 /hr


  • Santa Ana, CA 92704
  • Swift Tutor
  • Male Age 31
  • Member since: 01/2024
  • Will travel up to 50 miles
  • Rates from $20 to $150 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Java, Computer Programming, Python, Objective C, MVC, PHP, Computer, Javascript, HTML, Graphic Design, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access

Multi-subject Tutor

My name is Anthony and I have experience tutoring students of all ages all grade levels. I have at least 15 years of experience tutoring and some of the awards I have, I received in middle and high school. I have helped students of all ages, grade levels, genders and of various backgrounds. I have tutored in different areas, from N.Y. to C.A. so I am familiarized with many of the programs and curriculum nationwide. I have background in Accounting, Paralegal, Interpreting/ translating and Social Work. I am also available to help both online and in-person and I incorporate many tricks and tips I have learned and acquired working for school districts and as a paraeducator where I work. I am also proficient teaching Spanish since it is my first language and just took a bilingual test at work where I placed Advanced High. I have availability and am willing to provide any assistance you need, ... read more

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