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Kent M. - Blazor Tutoring Online or Nearby - $ 50 /hr

Kent M.

  • Oldsmar, FL 34677
  • Blazor Tutor
  • Male Age 59
  • Member since: 09/2012
  • Will travel up to 30 miles
  • Tutoring Rate: $50 /hr
  • On-line
  • Also Tutors: C#, Javascript, ASP.NET

My comments on tutoring Blazor : I love this Framework! no need to work directly with Signal-R. Microsoft's .Net team has done a great job.

My method of teaching is efficient and fun. I would like to use a textbook depending on the level and different material along with the textbook to make every lesson fun and interesting. I will always include your preferences on how you would like to be tutored as well.
I have many years of experience in Math, Physics Science. I have earned a Master's degree and 2 Bachelor Degree in Engineering. I tutored many kids and was able to help them by simplifying them things and restore the confidence on themselves that they lacked and were able to actually do much better.

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