Yousif B.
- Chicago, IL 60615 ( 30.2 mi )
- Male Age 39
- Member Since: 02/2012
- Will travel up to 15 miles
- Rates from $20.00 to $30.00 /hr
- Also Tutors: Arabic
A Little Bit About Me...
* Teach Arabic to improve speaking formal Arabic, and slangs of Arab countries ( Gulf countries , Egypt , Syria , Sudan ).
* Teach Arabic Language Roles "Functions, Grammars, and other roles".
* Teach the basics of writing in Arabic "Letters, Stories, Diaries" .
* Teach the basics of writing in Arabic Poetry for advance level.
* Ready to provide studying materials if needed.
I'm an American from Arab origin Doctor,
Mother Tongue: - Arabic.
I lived 25 years on Arab countries, I took my secondary school degree from United Arab Emirates,
my degrees were between 92% - 99% at school years,
I'm a graduated Doctor from school of medicine University of Gezira 2010,
I had a 4 years experience of training leadership and presentation skills on Arabic , certified by World health Organization – University of Gezira – and Other organizations,
I'm ready to teach Arabic for students ... read more