Vladimir K.
- Aberdeen, MD 21001 ( 20.2 mi )
- Male Age 49
- Member Since: 10/2016
- Will travel up to 50 miles
- Tutoring Rate: $35.00 /hr
- I am a Certified Teacher
- Also Tutors: Chess
More About This Tutor...
Hello! My name is Vladimir Kanjuh, a 44 year-old Candidate Master from Serbia. My FIDE rating is 2144 (August 2016). ). I am a certified chess coach, certified chess arbiter and a founder of a chess school. As of January 2013, I am a professional coach.
My best students:
Andrej Lj. - ranked 4th on FIDE list, boys under 7
Jonathan L. -ranked 6th in Australia, boys under 10
Murdo M. - ranked 1st in Scotland, boys under 10
Vukasin Dj.- 3rd place in Serbia, boys under 10
Emma T. - champion of Arizona, girls under 12
Igor C. -champion of Zurich, Sui, boys under 12
Levi W. - rapid vice champion of England, boys under 12
I am looking for serious students. Chess is a game that requires a lot of study and dedication. If you are willing to put in the necessary hours to improve, I will give you my full attention as a coach and mentor. My focus is on developing a strong stude ... read more