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Find San Francisco, CA LSAT Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

Steven D. - Richmond, CA 94805 ( 11 mi ) - $ 63.00 to 76.00 /hr

Steven D.

  • Richmond, CA 94805 ( 11 mi )
  • LSAT Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 07/2011
  • Will travel up to 30 miles
  • Rates from $63.00 to $76.00 /hr

More About This Tutor...

Throughout my education at UCLA, I took an avid and broad interest in all subjects, and finally chose to complement a degree in International Development with a smattering of engineering physics and multi-variable calculus. My work and extra-curricular experience has been broad and challenging. I've researched crime statistics for a professor's book, helped lead an international development student group, volunteered in Guatemala, studied abroad in Ghana, and currently work as a Head of Marketing for a small company. My strengths are a commitment to quality, communication skills, writing ability, and a broad familiarity with scientific subjects and an uncanny ability to multiply in my head. I scored in the 98th percentile on the LSAT.
As a ski instructor, I've worked with children aged 3 - 12. Parents frequently praised my patience and ability to remain a calm, controlled and enthu ... read more

Ron B. - Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 ( 18.6 mi ) - $ 51.00 to 59.00 /hr

Ron B.

  • Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 ( 18.6 mi )
  • LSAT Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 05/2009
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $51.00 to $59.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: ACT

A Little Bit About Me...

I started Bucknell as an Education Major, and then switched to English Literature. I spent one semester as a teaching assistant, and worked as a student literary journal editor. I won two poetry prizes, one given by my student peers, and one by the English faculty. Post-college I entered law school at Tulane. I practiced law for 20 some years. In those years I taught CLE classes for attorneys, as well as in-house sessions for employees of a firm for whom I was General Counsel. After Katrina my legal career was greatly attenuated, and I supplemented my income by tutoring LSAT preparation, and by writing and editing for an SEO company. I am adept at standardized test taking, scoring in the 98th percentile on the LSAT. Due to the economic climate in New Orleans, I moved to California in December of 2008, and am currently working as a substitute teacher.
Having been fortunate e ... read more

Padraig M. - Santa Clara, CA 95050 ( 34.2 mi ) - $ 49.00 to 57.00 /hr

Padraig M.

  • Santa Clara, CA 95050 ( 34.2 mi )
  • LSAT Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 09/2010
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $49.00 to $57.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: GMAT, ACT

More About This Tutor...

As a graduate student at UC Berkeley, I was a TA for twelve semesters in a range of physics classes. In 2002 I won the UC Berkeley Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor award. After graduating I was a lecturer for 2 years at 50% time. This was at California College of the Arts in San Francisco. There I developed and taught new coursed in math, physics and programming that were fine tuned for the needs of the architecture students. I can make complete sets of student evaluations available to you on request --- they are very favorable. I spent many office hours working one-on-one with the weaker students, and so I have considerable tutoring experience.
As a classroom instructor, I am conscious that one needs to constantly engage with and interact with the class. I always taught in a tutorial style, where after I've introduced the material the students must solve a puzzle or problem ... read more

Here is Some Good Information About LSAT Tutoring

The LSAT contains one reading comprehension ("RC") section consisting of four passages of 400–500 words, and 5–8 questions relating to each passage. Dreading this section? Select a tutor today. The LSAT exam has six total sections: four scored multiple choice sections, an unscored experimental section, and an unscored writing section. Raw scores are converted to a scaled score with a high of 180, a low of 120, and a median score around 151. Need to improve scores? Select a tutor now. Taking the LSAT and want to go to University of California-Berkeley, University of Chicago Law School, Columbia Law School or Cornell Law School? Better select your tutor today!

Cool Facts About Tutoring Near San Francisco, California

Not just for tourists, San Francisco is also one of the world's top producing cities. Select a tutor Now. Our San Francisco stutors strive to be some of the most efficient and reliable tutors in the country. Our amazing San Francisco tutors can get you back on track quickly - contact one of them today.

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