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Find San Antonio, TX PSAT Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

A Tutor in the Spotlight!

Katharine D. - San Antonio, TX 78209 ( 3.1 mi ) - $ 39 to 69 /hr

Katharine D.

  • San Antonio, TX 78209 ( 3.1 mi )
  • PSAT Tutor
  • Female
  • Member since: 07/2012
  • Will travel up to 30 miles
  • Rates from $39 to $69 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • On-line In-Home
  • Also Tutors: GED, Entrance Exams

More About This Tutor...

As a veteran, award-winning magazine writer, published in dozens of national and regional periodicals, I am comfortable writing in any mode, medium and style, and excel at transmitting the secrets of this craft to students of all ages and ability levels. I have also worked as a Writing Consultant/ Tutor at S.A. College and NW Vista College. I am also a published fiction writer and love imparting literary analysis and critical reading skills to students. My skills as a journalist and creative writer uniquely qualifies me to help college applicants compose a unique and highly effective college entrance essay.
I am an extremely relaxed, nurturing, personable and humorous instructor, experienced at teaching on both the junior high, high school and college levels. I have been gratified by the highly positive teacher evaluations I've received, which I am happy to share with potential cl ... read more

Sean B. - San Antonio, TX 78256 ( 11.5 mi ) - $ 40.00 to 45.00 /hr

Sean B.

  • San Antonio, TX 78256 ( 11.5 mi )
  • PSAT Tutor
  • Male Age 32
  • Member Since: 08/2015
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $40.00 to $45.00 /hr
  • In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: SAT - Verbal, SAT - Math, PCAT, MCAT, ACT

Professional science tutor, with a bachelor's of science

3 years of one on one private tutoring at UTSA. With approximately 300-500 hours of experience. I have worked one on one with more than 25 different clients for the long term. Each has been able to improve their grades by at least one letter. In certain cases improvements have been as high as 3 letter grades after beginning tutoring.
Talk through problem solving (proven to build and develop meta cognition and problem solving skills)

Here is Some Good Information About PSAT Tutoring

PSAT is a standardized test administered by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) in the United States. Exam looming? Select a tutor today. Students with a score of at least 96 percentile but less than 99 percentile receive Letters of Commendation. This minimum is determined nationally and is set at whichever score yields the 96th percentile. Looking for help? Select a tutor now. Two reasons for taking the PSAT/NMSQT are to enter the competition for scholarships from NMSC (grade 11), and to help prepare for the SAT. Get help now. Select a tutor today.

Cool Facts About Tutoring Near San Antonio, Texas

Famous for Spanish missions, the Alamo, and Riverwalk, San Antonio is one of America's favorite destinations. Select a tutor Now. Students across the San Antonio area are talking about our services. If you need any type of tutoring, your first stop should be here. Don't let your child get further behind in San Antonio - seek help from a friendly and talented tutor today.

Find San Antonio, TX Tutoring Subjects Related to PSAT

San Antonio, TX PSAT tutoring may only be the beginning, so searching for other tutoring subjects related to PSAT will expand your search options. This will ensure having access to exceptional tutors near San Antonio, TX Or online to help with the skills necessary to succeed.

Search for San Antonio, TX PSAT Tutors By Academic Level

Academic Levels for San Antonio, TX PSAT Tutoring are varied. Whether you are working below, on, or above grade level TutorSelect has the largest selection of San Antonio, TX PSAT tutors for you. Catch up or get ahead with our talented tutors online or near you.

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Looking for a tutor near San Antonio, TX? Quickly get matched with expert tutors close to you. Scout out tutors in your community to make learning conveniently fit your availability. Having many choices nearby makes tutoring sessions easier to schedule.

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