Here is Some Good Information About CLAST Tutoring
Currently, any teacher certification candidate may use passing CLAST subtest scores from 1982 to June 30, 2002, in lieu of the corresponding FTCE GK subtest. Need help? Select a tutor today. The federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) required that, in order for states to receive federal funding, all teachers must be "highly qualified" as defined in the law by the end of the 2006-07 school year. CLAST and FTCE satisifies this requirement. Select a tutor now. Experts are waiting to help. Select your CLAST tutor today.
Cool Facts About Tutoring Near San Antonio, Texas
Famous for Spanish missions, the Alamo, and Riverwalk, San Antonio is one of America's favorite destinations. Select a tutor Now. Students across the San Antonio area are talking about our services. If you need any type of tutoring, your first stop should be here. San Antonio students are excelling with the help of our amazing tutors.