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Find Newark, DE Government Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

A Tutor in the Spotlight!

Bridgett D. - Newtown Square, PA 19073 ( 23.5 mi ) - $ 10 to 50 /hr

Bridgett D.

  • Newtown Square, PA 19073 ( 23.5 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Female Age 36
  • Member since: 02/2015
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $10 to $50 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, World History, Political Science, Geography, American History

Well-Rounded and Adaptable Tutor of Many Topics

I tutored peers in high school often as well as my younger cousins, and occasionally kids at a daycare I worked at for a few years. I was able to get into college for free, as my mother is employed by the college that I was enrolled at, and so I stuck around for several years as a full time student simply for the joy of learning. I took courses in every major area, heavily focused on theater, english and science.

Thomas k. - PHILADELPHIA, PA 19130 ( 32.6 mi ) - $ 15.00 to 100.00 /hr

Thomas k.

  • PHILADELPHIA, PA 19130 ( 32.6 mi )
  • Expert Government Tutor
  • Male Age 46
  • Member Since: 08/2019
  • Will travel up to 50 miles
  • Rates from $15.00 to $100.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, World History, Political Science, Geography, American History

The comeback kid in tutoring and teaching

ACS Consultants- TSS, Teacher, Tutor, Counselor for students with disabilities. ESY program for school district of Philadelphia and Charter schools (July 2018-present) Kelly Education Services- -Subteacher-Philadelphia, PA- I work for the School District of Philadelphia-All area of philly, all subjects. (January 2019-present) Sage Education Services- Tutor- Philadelphia, PA, I work with all subjects within the city of philadelphia. (January 2019-present) Self-employed tutor- Tutor select, Tutorz.com, Eduwizards, tutor all subjects. (March 2012-present)- clearances updated-2 IU8- Sub teacher- January 2010-present- four county region- Duties: sub teaching through Somerset, Cambria Bedford, and Blair counties- all general subjects-Bedford, Forest Hills, Richland, Johnstown, Conemaugh Township-41, Everett Area-20, Ferndale-20- reading, spelling, recess, study hal ... read more

Robert B. - Wilmington, DE 19805 ( 7.8 mi ) - $ 34.00 to 35.00 /hr

Robert B.

  • Wilmington, DE 19805 ( 7.8 mi )
  • Experienced Government Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 10/2015
  • Will travel up to 40 miles
  • Rates from $34.00 to $35.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, World History, Political Science, Geography, American History

Government is one of my top subjects! Highly experienced teacher; Well versed.

I have been working with the education field for 13 years. I have primarily worked in special education which has given the unique experience o teaching or co-teaching all subject areas. I am currently the special education coordinator a charter school in Philadelphia. Prior to working in Philadelphia, I taught social studies, math, English and GED preparation for adults. I can simplify the class instruction and teach any subject area. Other experience include working as a dean of students, and various other leadership roles.
I believe in teaching to the student and making the subject matter relevant and easy to comprehend. I encourage dialogue an debate in order to fully engage all of my students.

Emily D. - West Chester, PA 19380 ( 18.2 mi ) - $ 15.00 to 25.00 /hr

Emily D.

  • West Chester, PA 19380 ( 18.2 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Female
  • Member Since: 10/2011
  • Will travel up to 10 miles
  • Rates from $15.00 to $25.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Group
  • Also Tutors: American History

More About This Tutor...

I obtained a teaching degree in both Latin and History teaching in Utah. Then moved to Texas and taught High School Latin for two years. I learned Latin from Wheelock's Latin text and I am very familiar with it. My High School curriculum used the more modern reading method, specifically the Cambridge Latin Course text. My second year teaching I taught AP Virgil and helped students work their way through large portions of the text and successfully master scansion and other poetic elements.

Samantha S. - Media, PA 19063 ( 21 mi ) - $25.00 /hr

Samantha S.

  • Media, PA 19063 ( 21 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Female Age 40
  • Member Since: 01/2012
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Tutoring Rate: $25.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: World History, Political Science, Geography, American History

Read More About Samantha S...

I worked as a peer tutor in the Writing Center at the University of Delaware for 2 years. I worked on all phases of the writing process, from brainstorming to revisions and final drafts. I have also tutored first year college students in the social sciences, in particular in history and government.
As far as writing, the best approach depends on the phases. I have always acted as an instructor and guide. I help a student develop and process ideas. In the brainstorming phase, I may help a student generate ideas by suggesting different areas and working on "thought clouds." We may also do a "free write" and then discuss the ideas that were generated. During the writing process I help guide students in the development of outlines and structure. Truthfully, there is no best strategy. The techniques depend on the students needs and learning styles.

Daniel P. - Philadelphia, PA 19104 ( 31.1 mi ) - $ 25.00 to 50.00 /hr

Daniel P.

  • Philadelphia, PA 19104 ( 31.1 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Male Age 42
  • Member Since: 04/2013
  • Will travel up to 10 miles
  • Rates from $25.00 to $50.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Home
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, Political Science, American History

Ph.D Candidate at Penn

I have worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Pennsylvania for several years. I have also tutored math and reading for middle and high school entrance exams in the past, including the HSPT and SSAT. I have additional instructional experience at the middle school level, having taught summer school in the past. I specialize in teaching critical reading techniques.
I use the Socratic Method. That is, I ask students to explain the material back to me. This enables me to determine their level of understanding. For reading specifically, I teach students how to read critically for the main points in a book or passage while skimming over extraneous details. I also encourage them to put themselves into an author's shoes by thinking about his purpose and point of view.

Chris F. - Philadelphia, PA 19104 ( 31.1 mi ) - $ 35.00 to 50.00 /hr

Chris F.

  • Philadelphia, PA 19104 ( 31.1 mi )
  • Expert Government Tutor
  • Male Age 47
  • Member Since: 04/2012
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $35.00 to $50.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Political Science, American History

Need Help Studying for the Bar Exam or Law Course?

The best way to study law for an exam is to take practice exams and to work on your outline. That is where I can help.
I have been a teaching assistant at the University of Pennsylvania for two political secience classes. I was a teaching fellow during my time at Seton Hall Law School. I have passed both the PA and NJ Bar exams. This was accomplished on the first try for each. I also have an MBA degree. So tutoring you in business classes would not be a problem.

t k. - Philadelphia, PA 19130 ( 32.1 mi ) - $ 20.00 to 60.00 /hr

t k.

  • Philadelphia, PA 19130 ( 32.1 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Male Age 46
  • Member Since: 03/2023
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $20.00 to $60.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, World History, Political Science, Geography, American History

never give up

ESS-07/2022-present • Subteacher (School District of Philadelphia)-Philadelphia, PA- I work for the School District of Philadelphia- Special Education for all students needs with autism, dyslexia, and ADDHD All area of philly, all subjects. Kelly Education Services-04/2019- June 2022 • Subteacher (School District of Philadelphia)-Philadelphia, PA- I work for the School • District of Philadelphia- Special Education for all students needs with autism, dyslexia, and ADDHD All area of philly, all subjects. (January 2019-June 2022) Kaleidoscope Education Solutions- October 2019 through present- • on call sub teacher and special ed teacher for charter schools such as Chester Community Charter School, Memphis Charter Academy, Aspira schools. • We have worked with google meet, google classrooms, zoom meetings with different teachers, developments plans, grading, and helping 3rd gra ... read more

David R A. - Philadelphia, PA 19147 ( 32.1 mi ) - $40.00 /hr

David R A.

  • Philadelphia, PA 19147 ( 32.1 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Male Age 78
  • Member Since: 01/2012
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Tutoring Rate: $40.00 /hr
  • On-line
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, World History, Political Science, Geography, American History

Award Winning Teaching with Award Winning Students

Reflexive and interactive
42 years of teaching in public higher education. Multiple years as leader of interdisciplinary honors program and international education programs. Fluent in English and French. Special skill in international education with more than twenty years as member of Board of Trustees of New Jersey State College Consortium for International Studies. Specialist in study and application of 'outcomes analysis' and plural modes of learning assessment (headed university committee on learning outcomes). Retired - June 2011.

Michael O. - Philadelphia, PA 19128 ( 33 mi ) - $ 15.00 to 25.00 /hr

Michael O.

  • Philadelphia, PA 19128 ( 33 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Male Age 40
  • Member Since: 04/2015
  • Will travel up to 15 miles
  • Rates from $15.00 to $25.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, World History, Geography, American History

Social Studies Teacher with expertise in writing

I have 5 years working in school districts in the Philadelphia area. I recently finished student teacher at a middle school in Philadelphia. I am very knowledge in all aspects of history, geography, and government. I am very well written and well read and I can help provide support research and writing papers. This is specialty.
I am very easy going but still goal oriented. I like to facilitate learning instead of just providing the information to you child. Setting the student on the right course to find the information on their own not only provides the student with accurate information but shows them how to be self sufficient which bolsters their confidence and a student.

Robert M. - Philadelphia, PA 19144 ( 34.2 mi ) - $ 25.00 to 30.00 /hr

Robert M.

  • Philadelphia, PA 19144 ( 34.2 mi )
  • Expert Government Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 01/2013
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $25.00 to $30.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, Political Science, Geography, American History

My comments on tutoring Government : I'm very well-versed in both the United States system and a variety of parliamentary systems.

In working in the liberal arts fields, I try to link up the student's interests with the subject matter, looking for an approach that will link the content of the field to things that they care about. In the graphic arts, I favor a mastery learning approach that builds on foundational concepts and emphasizes both the learning of specific techniques and a problem-solving approach that makes someone more than just a button pusher.
BA-History Wichita State University, specializing in United States History, with extensive work on the labor and civil rights movements. I also minored in Political Science. Web Development Certificate-University of the Arts-Philadelphia: This covered html, css, basic javascript, php and MySQL, as well as fundamental design principles. Instructor with Gress Graphic Arts Institute 2000-2005 Computer Operator in the printing industry, producing newspape ... read more

Gwendelyn E. - NEWARK, DE 19713 ( 2.5 mi ) - $ 38.00 to 43.00 /hr

Gwendelyn E.

  • NEWARK, DE 19713 ( 2.5 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Female
  • Member Since: 01/2010
  • Will travel up to 30 miles
  • Rates from $38.00 to $43.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, World History, Political Science, Geography, American History

Read More About Gwendelyn E...

I believe education is the key to success and I have always loved to return the favor to desired individuals the product of learning that I achieved for the last 8-10 years. I acquired strong leadership and interpersonal skills as a Summer Intern at MBNA America, then gained a position as a Customer Relationship Specialist. I am also proficient in money management being Chapter Treasurer of the Eta Iota Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority, Inc. While I am available for any subject, math is my specialty. I possess fundraising, marketing and report development experience when serving as Chapter Corresponding and Recording Secretary. I achieved a double BS degree in Management and Marketing.
I have mentored and worked with children for 3 years, aged 6 and up. I believe in listening to their challenges, then creating opportunities to assist in achieving higher e ... read more

Sheila C. - Newark, DE 19702 ( 3 mi ) - $ 39.00 to 49.00 /hr

Sheila C.

  • Newark, DE 19702 ( 3 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Female
  • Member Since: 03/2010
  • Will travel up to 25 miles
  • Rates from $39.00 to $49.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, Political Science, Geography, American History

Read More About Sheila C...

I like to incorporate a sense of humor in my teaching - I believe when children can relax they are much more open to learning. I am also sensitive to children's different learning styles whether they are visual, auditory or kinesthetic, and tailor my approach accordingly. No two sessions are ever the same! Each student has unique needs and challenges and my job is to work "through the maze" and carry the message to the brain. I try to use practical and relevant examples whenever I can and appeal to the student's personal frame of reference so the goal of really "learning" versus "memorizing" can be met.
I have been a substitute teacher for the past two years covering all grade levels from pre-k three up to senior year in high school. I am a Master's Degree candidate in Elementary Education at Wilmington University. I enjoy students at every level and am amazed at what a difference ... read more

Jacob S. - Wilmington, DE 19808 ( 3.9 mi ) - $ 37.00 to 40.00 /hr

Jacob S.

  • Wilmington, DE 19808 ( 3.9 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 08/2006
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $37.00 to $40.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, World History, Political Science, Geography, American History

Read More About Jacob S...

Being positive facilitates healthy relationships and ensures that students are comfortable in the classroom. A solid and healthy rapport with the student breeds a sense of belonging and allows the students to open up to the teacher. A positive atmosphere also makes students want to succeed and meet expectations set forth for the class.
After growing up with both parents in the teaching profession I received my undergraduate degree in business from the University of Delaware. After working in the field of business, I realized the business world was not for me. I felt my calling was in education, just like my parents. That is when I decided to attend Drexel University to pursue my masters in education.

Christopher E. - Elkton, MD 21021 ( 4.9 mi ) - $ 37.00 to 47.00 /hr

Christopher E.

  • Elkton, MD 21021 ( 4.9 mi )
  • Government Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 06/2010
  • Will travel up to 50 miles
  • Rates from $37.00 to $47.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Social Studies, Geography

Read More About Christopher E...

I have earned a bachelor degree from Washington College, a BA in Psychology with an undocumented minor in Mathematics. I became a full-time high school teacher in the subjects of Functional Mathematics, Algebra I & II and Geometry. I was employed by the college as a Teacher's Aide in the subjects of Statistics and Calculus I, where I proctored exams and graded all homework submissions by students. I have completed courses in Accounting, Auditing and Business Economics and Law and I am currently pursuing my final semester of a MS in Economic Crime Management. I am a Certified Fraud Examiner and I am considered and expert in the fields of financial and economic crimes and analysis.
My teaching style is a direct, hands-on approach where I believe in using everyday scenarios to make a subject enjoyable to the student. I also believe in allowing the student to interrupt the teaching ... read more

Here is Some Good Information About Government Tutoring

Studying Government? Whether it is World Governments or American Government you can select a tutor today for the help you need. Ah yes, need to pass the Government exam? Not sure about federal, state, public, and political factors? Select a tutor today and you will be! Confused over the three branches of Government? Need some help? Select a tutor today and rest easy.

Find Newark, DE Tutoring Subjects Related to Government

Newark, DE Government tutoring may only be the beginning, so searching for other tutoring subjects related to Government will expand your search options. This will ensure having access to exceptional tutors near Newark, DE Or online to help with the skills necessary to succeed.

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Academic Levels for Newark, DE Government Tutoring are varied. Whether you are working below, on, or above grade level TutorSelect has the largest selection of Newark, DE Government tutors for you. Catch up or get ahead with our talented tutors online or near you.

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