Thomas k.
- Expert Chess Tutor
- Male Age 46
- Member Since: 08/2019
- Will travel up to 50 miles
- Rates from $15.00 to $100.00 /hr
- I am a Certified Teacher
- Also Tutors: Writing Skills, Typing Skills, Study Skills, Homework Help, Continuing Education
The comeback kid in tutoring and teaching
ACS Consultants- TSS, Teacher, Tutor, Counselor for students with disabilities. ESY program for school district of Philadelphia and Charter schools (July 2018-present)
Kelly Education Services- -Subteacher-Philadelphia, PA- I work for the School District of Philadelphia-All area of philly, all subjects. (January 2019-present)
Sage Education Services- Tutor- Philadelphia, PA, I work with all subjects within the city of philadelphia. (January 2019-present)
Self-employed tutor- Tutor select,, Eduwizards, tutor all subjects. (March 2012-present)- clearances updated-2
IU8- Sub teacher- January 2010-present- four county region- Duties: sub teaching through Somerset, Cambria Bedford, and Blair counties- all general subjects-Bedford, Forest Hills, Richland, Johnstown, Conemaugh Township-41, Everett Area-20, Ferndale-20- reading, spelling, recess, study hal ... read more