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A Tutor in the Spotlight!

Dmitry Y. - Hannibal, MO 63401 ( 24.7 mi ) - $ 33 to 73 /hr

Dmitry Y.

  • Hannibal, MO 63401 ( 24.7 mi )
  • Male Age 45
  • Member since: 12/2011
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $33 to $73 /hr
  • On-line
  • Also Tutors: Russian, English ESOL

Will Teach You Russian On-line in a Truly Interactive Manner

Young, dynamic, highly motivated specialist with eight years of comprehensive translation experience, including consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, with secondary skill sets in scheduling and construction safety management. Experience includes working as a translator and a scheduling assistant with Russian and western companies across multiple technical fields (IT/ Medical/ Legal/ Construction/ Oil & Gas etc.).
On-line through Skype. No fixed topics or boring excercises, purely interactive and flexible. You ask anything whatsoever you want to know, I tell you the correct spelling, prononciation and grammatic / lexical background with rules and patterns as deeply as you wish to take it.

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