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Find Salina, KS Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

Lora H. - Hillsboro, KS 67063 ( 34.2 mi ) - $ 38.00 to 46.00 /hr

Lora H.

  • Hillsboro, KS 67063 ( 34.2 mi )
  • Female
  • Member Since: 03/2010
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $38.00 to $46.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Algebra, Computer, Math, Writing, SAT - Math, Reading, Grammar, Algebra I, ACT, Accounting

Read More About Lora H...

I have worked in a higher education environment since 2000. I tuaught CPR and First Aid classes for 4 years for Child Care providers from 1996 to 2000. I am one class from completing my MBA in accounting. I will officially graduate in May of 2010.
I developed a heart for young people at an early age, as my parents were missionaries to Native Americans. I truly believe that education has changed my life and promote higher education. I am able to relate to children of all ages and in the past two years especially related to high school and young college students who were looking for their way in life.

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