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Find Rangely, CO Speaking Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

A Tutor in the Spotlight!

Cynthia F. - Parachute, CO 81635 ( 35.4 mi ) - $ 18 to 25 /hr

Cynthia F.

  • Parachute, CO 81635 ( 35.4 mi )
  • Speaking Tutor
  • Female
  • Member since: 01/2013
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $18 to $25 /hr
  • In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Resume Writing, Economics

Fuller Learning. The holistic aproach to tutoring

I can adapt my teaching style to auditory, visual or hands-on type learning. I try to create a relaxed and fun (silly for the little ones) atmosphere where learning will be fun and memorable, because I believe that if you enjoy it - you'll remember it. All students will be given a pre-test prior to instruction so that I can decern if the students problem is one of cognative development or simply gaps in the learning process. I try to help the student relate their learning to real world experiences.
B.A. Business Management California State University San Bernardino. (CSUSB) A.S. Business Administration Victor Valley Community College, Victorville, CA 82+ Units. Humanities/Theatre Johnson State College, Johnson, VT. 12 Units. Continuning Education - Masters level - Educational Counseling, CSUSB

Here is Some Good Information About Speaking Tutoring

Why do we speak and how does one increase speaking effectiveness? Why does it matter? Why do you need to speak better and how can you find professional help at an affordable cost? Select a tutor on your terms in your timeframe within your budget today. Some speaking models group as many as 16 components within eight divisions when addressing the parts of speaking. In the end, speaking and the need for coaching are personal. Your situation is different from the rest so choose your tutor to create the program that fits your needs. Are you simply afraid of public speaking? Is someone you know being ridiculed or bullied because they don't speak like everyone else? Fix it by selecting your tutor today.

Find Rangely, CO Tutoring Subjects Related to Speaking

Rangely, CO Speaking tutoring may only be the beginning, so searching for other tutoring subjects related to Speaking will expand your search options. This will ensure having access to exceptional tutors near Rangely, CO Or online to help with the skills necessary to succeed.

Search for Rangely, CO Speaking Tutors By Academic Level

Academic Levels for Rangely, CO Speaking Tutoring are varied. Whether you are working below, on, or above grade level TutorSelect has the largest selection of Rangely, CO Speaking tutors for you. Catch up or get ahead with our talented tutors online or near you.

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