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Deborah K. - Pocahontas, AR 72455 ( 38.9 mi ) - $ 39.00 to 44.00 /hr

Deborah K.

  • Pocahontas, AR 72455 ( 38.9 mi )
  • Female
  • Member Since: 03/2010
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $39.00 to $44.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • Also Tutors: Elementary Social Studies, Elementary Math, Elementary Phonics, Writing, Reading, Hearing Impaired, Grammar, GED, Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD

A Little Bit About Me...

I have worked as a special education instructor for Arkansas public schools for over 16 years, and enjoy helping a student discover the potential within themselves. I have taught 3-point paragraph and essay writing in both the EXPOSITORY and NARRATIVE forms, both important components of preparing for the state Benchmark exams. I am able to see things from a global perspective in terms of the stringent requirements kids have to strive for not only in the testing, but in their future lives. Further, I am a nationally published writer, songwriter, and director. I also hold half a masters degree in Psychology. I would be an excellent tutor for the Language Arts, Fine Arts, or Humanities areas.
I believe in starting where someone is. I spend the first meeting getting to know the student, what he or she doesn't know, and what they need to know to be successful. I believe everyone is ... read more

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