Teagan D.
- Ann Arbor, MI 48103 ( 26.3 mi )
- Female Age 31
- Member Since: 05/2013
- Will travel up to 15 miles
- Rates from $10.00 to $25.00 /hr
- Also Tutors: Algebra, SAT - Math, Pre-Calculus, Pre-Algebra, French, Elementary, Calculus I, Algebra II, Algebra I, ACT
Teagan Donnell: Young, Aspiring Scholar
I am an eighteen year old female with with a High School Diploma and one year of University behind me. I graduated High School before I was seventeen and a half, one semester early when I was already a young student for my year. As a young teen, I was always a tutor to my friends and was willing and excited to help anyone with any academic difficulties. With time, I took tutoring more seriously and began to be a voluntary math tutor for the Math Department where I was enrolled, Community High School. I did this in my only semester of my senior year and tutored underclassman in everywhere from Pre-Algebra to Calculus I, though I was currently enrolled in Calculus I. I also was a Student Teacher for French I/II in my last semester of high school and that really deepened the depths of my skills in speaking, writing, and reading French. In every class, I am the one to finish first, correctly ... read more