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Find Great Falls, MT Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

Jacob C. - Great Falls, MT 59401 ( 2.4 mi ) - $ 35.00 to 40.00 /hr

Jacob C.

  • Great Falls, MT 59401 ( 2.4 mi )
  • Male
  • Member Since: 02/2010
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $35.00 to $40.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Computer, Science, Math, Writing, Spanish, Reading, Grammar, Geometry, Chemistry, Algebra I

More About This Tutor...

I have worked for the last six years on a volunteer, part-time, and full-time basis with a non-profit youth organization called Young Life. During that time I have been intermittently substitute teaching and tutoring with public and private high school and middle school students. I am also a middle school football coach and have served for two seasons at East Middle School in Great Falls, MT. I have a degree in History from montana State University and am currently taking graduate classes part-time. As a history major I have developed skills in research and writing. I also am proficient in math up to geometry in high school as well as english, science, and social studies.
I love to work with high school and middle school kids. My teaching style is firm in the sense that I will not do work for the student. I am casual in the sense that I prefer a one-on-one atmosphere to learning an ... read more

Renata B. - Great Falls, MT 59404 ( 3.5 mi ) - $ 35.00 to 45.00 /hr

Renata B.

  • Great Falls, MT 59404 ( 3.5 mi )
  • Female
  • Member Since: 11/2007
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $35.00 to $45.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Computer, Science, Math, Writing, Spanish, Reading, Grammar, American History, ADD/ADHD, ACT

A Little Bit About Me...

A graduate of the University of Montana School of Journalism, I earned a Double Degree in Journalism and English. I originally received my Montana Secondary Teaching Certificate through UM. I am extremely well-rounded. I've taught all levels of high school English, including American Studies Honors (team teaching with a history teacher), freshman Lit & Comp., Creative Writing, sophomore English, college-bound Senior English. I teach the Writing Process and am a 12-year professional Journalist/Reporter. My most recent teaching experience has been at the No. 1 public school in WA. I also taught Special Education there, and had 12 freshmen students on my case load.
I am a big believer in teaching to an individual student's strengths, depending upon their skill sets and passions. That is how I approach teaching students to write, so as to lessen the intimidating aspects of writing. Eve ... read more

Kyle J. - Great Falls, MT 59405-3717 ( 2.8 mi ) - $ 38.00 to 47.00 /hr

Kyle J.

  • Great Falls, MT 59405-3717 ( 2.8 mi )
  • Male
  • Member Since: 03/2009
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $38.00 to $47.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Algebra, Math, Statistics, SAT - Math, Geometry, College Algebra, Calculus II, Calculus I, Algebra II, Algebra I

A Little Bit About Me...

Since a mathematics class can often be draining on a student; I try to counter this with my own passion for the material. Students will find that I am easy to get along with and yet, serious about the material. I believe a lot of difficulty can be found when a student tries to just memorize methods without understanding the reasons for the methods. As such, my focus is always on the concepts. Whenever possible, I encourage students to do their homework. Often the best teaching opportunities come when students get stuck working on their own and come with specific questions.
When I entered Northwester College, I had the intention of pursuing a degree in Engineering; however, I quickly developed a passion for mathematics. After finishing my B.S., I moved out to Bozeman, MT to work on a Masters in pure mathematics. While in the graduate program I was privileged to teach one clas ... read more

Rebecca M. - Fort Shaw, MT 59443 ( 23.9 mi ) - $ 37.00 to 50.00 /hr

Rebecca M.

  • Fort Shaw, MT 59443 ( 23.9 mi )
  • Female
  • Member Since: 09/2007
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $37.00 to $50.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Computer, Science, Math, Writing, Reading, Grammar, Geometry, Elementary, Chemistry, Algebra I

A Little Bit About Me...

During my service as a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa, I taught chemistry and tutored the students in all fields in my spare time. I have extensive grammatical skills and have written numerous papers.
I believe that all children learn in different ways and my teaching style is designed to accommodate these differences. I design unique tutoring programs based on the child's strengths and learning style. I am a very patient and easy going person who believes in positive reinforcement.

Erin C. - Great Falls, MT 59401 ( 2.4 mi ) - $ 39.00 to 49.00 /hr

Erin C.

  • Great Falls, MT 59401 ( 2.4 mi )
  • Female
  • Member Since: 03/2009
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $39.00 to $49.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Computer, Science, Math, Writing, Reading, Grammar, Geometry, Elementary, Algebra I, ADD/ADHD

A Little Bit About Me...

I believe that teaching is all about creating and fostering positive relationships. Many students are not connecting with their classroom teachers and are therefore not motivated or engaged in the classroom. I am flexible and patient as a teacher and I strive to get to know my students, and through that process I learn what motivates them. I am able to present material to students in multiple ways that appeal to various learning styles such as auditory, visual, or kinesthetic. By building a caring relationship and learning how your child learns best, I can help your child succeed.
While working on my bachelor's in psychology I taught for 3 years at an after school and summer science enrichment teacher and coordinator. I then decided to take my love of learning further and obtain a master's degree in teaching, therefore earning my elementary education teaching certificate. While wor ... read more

Robert T. - Great Falls, MT 59404 ( 2.4 mi ) - $ 39.00 to 49.00 /hr

Robert T.

  • Great Falls, MT 59404 ( 2.4 mi )
  • Male
  • Member Since: 11/2007
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $39.00 to $49.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • Also Tutors: Computer, Science, Math, Writing, Reading, Physics, Geometry, Elementary, Chemistry, Algebra I

A Little Bit About Me...

All humans are basically learning "computers". We all have the ability to learn everyday. In order to teach someone, a teacher must understand the student as a person and learner. I love to figure out puzzles and to problem solve. Each new student I encounter is a puzzle that I get to figure out. Once I have the information I need to be "IN" with a student I am able to guide them in their investigation of what ever concept they want to learn. I enjoy seeing my students have the "light bulb" go off over their head. I enjoy teaching because I get to effect someone's future for the better.
I am an educator that has been credentialed to teach Elementary Education. I have found over the last ten years that I am able to teach students the curriculum that they need as well as teaching the student how to learn. I have come to love math and science and am able to teach these subjects ... read more

Tara P. - Great Falls, MT 59401 ( 3 mi ) - $ 38.00 to 55.00 /hr

Tara P.

  • Great Falls, MT 59401 ( 3 mi )
  • Female
  • Member Since: 11/2007
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $38.00 to $55.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Algebra, Elementary Math, Math, Statistics, Geometry, College Algebra, Calculus II, Calculus I, Algebra II, Algebra I

Read More About Tara P...

Growing up I always had a love for math and science. This drew me into the field of engineering. While earning a degree in Electrical Engineering from Notre Dame much of my time was spent in study groups and helping others understand areas they had trouble with.
I have always had the desire to become a teacher. I realize that every person is different in how they learn and sometimes you have to be creative in how you teach. I am very patient and laid back and I understand that frustration from the student often occurs when learning something new. This is why it is important to have someone there to help them ease those frustrations so that they can continue to learn. This is my goal when I help out others.

Lindsay M. - Great Falls, MT 59401 ( 3 mi ) - $ 58.00 to 67.00 /hr

Lindsay M.

  • Great Falls, MT 59401 ( 3 mi )
  • Female
  • Member Since: 06/2011
  • Will travel up to 25 miles
  • Rates from $58.00 to $67.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Science, Math, Physics, Grammar, Geometry, Elementary, Chemistry, Calculus I, Algebra I, Accounting

More About This Tutor...

While attending The Ohio State University, I majored in Animal Sciences and minored in both Life Sciences and Farm Management. The coursework I completed has enabled me to gain an understanding in many different areas of science and some math. During my junior year at Ohio State, I served as a teaching assistant for the Animal Nutrition course in the College of Agriculture. I received my Masters of Agriculture at Colorado State University and became very skilled with writing research papers, essays, and reports. Getting my Masters degree also further increased my knowledge of the agricultural sciences, accounting, and economics.
I really enjoy interacting with students; when I am working with students, I like to teach in a way that allows the student to participate and provide contributions. Having been a student myself, I find that I learn best when the learning experience is inte ... read more

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