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Find Grants Pass, OR Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

A Tutor in the Spotlight!

Stacy H. - Phoenix, OR 97535 ( 26.5 mi ) - $ 15 to 30 /hr

Stacy H.

  • Phoenix, OR 97535 ( 26.5 mi )
  • Female
  • Member since: 03/2012
  • Will travel up to 15 miles
  • Rates from $15 to $30 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: English, Writing Skills, Writing, Typing Skills, Study Skills, Spelling, Speaking, Resume Writing, Reading, Journalism

Achieve Your Goals While Making Learning Fun - Let's Meet!

Patient and knowledgeable. Dedicated to making sure each client receives the information they need to meet his or her goals.
-More than 6 years of writing and editing experience for diverse marketing projects including e-commerce advertising copy, articles, press releases, and search engine optimization -More that 10 years of experience writing grants. Grants awarded total approximately $17K. -More that 12 years of experience as a teacher who has worked with clients in their teens through their 60s.

kayla w. - Medford, OR 97501 ( 23.2 mi ) - $ 10.00 to 20.00 /hr

kayla w.

  • Medford, OR 97501 ( 23.2 mi )
  • Female Age 34
  • Member Since: 01/2013
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $10.00 to $20.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Algebra, Elementary Math, Reading, Elementary, Creative Writing, College Algebra, Basic Learning Skills, Drawing, Algebra II, Algebra I

More About This Tutor...

I go in with an open mind. Learning what works best for the student to easily learn and obtain the material. Being flexable about how I can teach to fit to the individuals learning style.
Currently turtoring an RCC student in college level pre-algebra, and art2. Taken college level math up to algebra 2. Have 3-years experience taking art clasess. I still draw and paint for self practice and improvement; also for people who know my art. Taken a couple college level writting classes; one similiar to creative writting and the second a research paper class.

Hannah H. - Selma, OR 97538 ( 18.1 mi ) - $ 10.00 to 30.00 /hr

Hannah H.

  • Selma, OR 97538 ( 18.1 mi )
  • Female
  • Member Since: 09/2012
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $10.00 to $30.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Home
  • Also Tutors: Algebra, Elementary Science, Elementary Math, Elementary Vocabulary, Elementary Reading, Elementary Grammar, Geometry, Elementary, Basic Learning Skills, Algebra I

More About This Tutor...

Fun, Creative
I was home-schooled K-12th. I have attended 2 years of Bible College and have so far completed 2 quarters of community college. I am majoring in general education...math, english, and health and fitness mostly. I love to serve and help people. I have never tutored "professionally", but I enjoy teaching children. If I can find a position where I can work to teach and serve young people, I would be very pleased. I must say also that I am a Christian and I love and worship my Savior Jesus Christ above all else. This relationship with God penetrates all I am and it is part of all I do. I do not believe in forcing my faith others, but I plan on living it out no matter where I work. That said, I am hopeful in that I may find a position to help. Thank you for taking the time to review my profile.

Michelle F. - Grants Pass, OR 97527 ( 0.3 mi ) - $ 36.00 to 49.00 /hr

Michelle F.

  • Grants Pass, OR 97527 ( 0.3 mi )
  • Female
  • Member Since: 01/2011
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $36.00 to $49.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Elementary Phonics, Writing, Reading, Grammar, Dyslexia, Creative Writing, Continuing Education, Basic Learning Skills, American History, ADD/ADHD

Read More About Michelle F...

Motivational style. Strong communicator. Successful in engaging resistant youth. I believe in every student being successful, and reaching their personal best! Sense of humor. Firm believer that all students can be successful. Strong ability to define stumbling blocks for youth and then developing the necessary building blocks for academic success.
Experienced intervention and prevention specialist with Seattle Public Schools working in a high need and high risk community environment for 14+ years. Career encompased working with underperforming students with a whole host of issues interfering with their academic potential. I am a motivator for positive change, taking steps with students I work with to be their best in all areas of their lives!

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