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Find Chattanooga, TN LSAT Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

Alex S. - Signal Mountain, TN 37377 ( 6.5 mi ) - $ 39.00 to 45.00 /hr

Alex S.

  • Signal Mountain, TN 37377 ( 6.5 mi )
  • LSAT Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 01/2010
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $39.00 to $45.00 /hr

A Little Bit About Me...

As a writing center consultant, I was instructed not to spend much time proofreading student papers or reviewing small minutiae. Instead, my goal was to educate students about the fundamentals of writing papers, such as formulating a clear thesis and establishing a clear paragraph structure. To this end, I usually spoke with the students casually and allowed them to verbalize their thought process, offering suggestions when they struggled with a concept or answering questions about grammar rules. My goal was not to improve the student's paper specifically, but to improve the student as a writer.
The majority of my secondary education has been dominated by the manipulation of words and formulation of arguments. My studies during college, culminating in the achievement of a BA in English, have allowed me to hone my mastery of the English language. Additionally, my four semesters ... read more

Here is Some Good Information About LSAT Tutoring

The LSAT contains one reading comprehension ("RC") section consisting of four passages of 400–500 words, and 5–8 questions relating to each passage. Dreading this section? Select a tutor today. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is an examination in the United States, Canada (common law programs only), and Australia administered by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for prospective law school candidates. Entry to Law School is VERY COMPETITIVE. Score your best when you select a tutor now. Taking the LSAT and want to go to Duke University School of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Harvard Law School, University of Michigan Law School or New York University School of Law? Better select your tutor today!

Cool Facts About Tutoring Near Chattanooga, Tennessee

As of the 2000 census, in Chattanooga there were 65,499 households, out of which 25.3% have children under the age of 18 living with them. Need help? Select a tutor today. Chattanooga residents take their education very seriously and so do we! As a city with students of all ages, we have cultivated an elite group of tutors to help students with any subject necessary. Looking for tutoring? Get started with one of our fantastic Chattanooga tutors.

Find Chattanooga, TN Tutoring Subjects Related to LSAT

Chattanooga, TN LSAT tutoring may only be the beginning, so searching for other tutoring subjects related to LSAT will expand your search options. This will ensure having access to exceptional tutors near Chattanooga, TN Or online to help with the skills necessary to succeed.

Search for Chattanooga, TN LSAT Tutors By Academic Level

Academic Levels for Chattanooga, TN LSAT Tutoring are varied. Whether you are working below, on, or above grade level TutorSelect has the largest selection of Chattanooga, TN LSAT tutors for you. Catch up or get ahead with our talented tutors online or near you.

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