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A Tutor in the Spotlight!

Lorena V. - Thermal, CA 92274 ( 35.8 mi ) - $ 15 to 19 /hr

Lorena V.

  • Thermal, CA 92274 ( 35.8 mi )
  • Female Age 58
  • Member since: 12/2014
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $15 to $19 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Business, Accounting

Read More About Lorena V...

I worked for A and 1 tutoring last year while getting my degree. Helping high school juniors and seniors having trouble passing the High school exit exam. I tutored ESL students helping them read and write English. I would meet one to one basis at their homes for a hour and a half every day and I would help them with their homework, and then we would work on reading on a everyday basis, by having them write a journal for 20 minutes every day, and read passages from their workbook, and answer questions. I would also show them videos about what was their favorite thing to do, for example I had a student who like to draw, so I would find articles about drawing and he would read the article and tell me what is what about. We would read the article and he would tell me what word he would not understand, we would look up the meaning and I would explain what the word meant. I would have h ... read more

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