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Find Hurtsboro, AL College Business Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

A Tutor in the Spotlight!

Rachel J. - COLUMBUS, GA 31906 ( 24.2 mi ) - $ 35 to 60 /hr

Rachel J.

  • COLUMBUS, GA 31906 ( 24.2 mi )
  • Business Tutor
  • Female
  • Member since: 01/2016
  • Will travel up to 15 miles
  • Rates from $35 to $60 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Speaking, Resume Writing, Accounting

Your ESL, Spanish, French, Korean learning system /16 yr exp

Q: We've been studying Spanish/French at home for the past year. Would we really benefit that much more from a class environment? A: Absolutely! Language cannot be truly learned in a vacuum. Language is dynamic, and so should be learned and practiced continuously in an interactive environment. Most people say their main goal in learning a foreign language is to be able to speak it. That is why we use the power of the internet, weekly phone conversation practice, and in-class discussions to constantly improve our students' ear for the language, pronunciation, listening, and speaking abilities. Grammar is also taught in a complementary fashion to the English grammar learned in other classes. So, students benefit from a greater understanding of their first language in the process of learning a second. Without real-time interaction with fellow learners, speaking correction, p ... read more

Here is Some Good Information About Business Tutoring

Business can be defined as an economic system in which goods and services are exchanged for one another or money, on the basis of their perceived worth. Every business requires some form of investment and a sufficient number of customers to whom its output can be sold at profit on a consistent basis. Looking for help? Select a tutor today. Often referred to as a "co-op", a cooperative is a limited liability business that can organize for-profit or not-for-profit. A cooperative differs from a for-profit corporation in that it has members, as opposed to shareholders, who share decision-making authority. Cooperatives are typically classified as either consumer cooperatives or worker cooperatives. Cooperatives are fundamental to the ideology of economic democracy. Need help? Select a tutor now. Experts are waiting to help. Select your General Business tutor today.

Find Hurtsboro, AL College Tutoring Subjects Related to Business

Hurtsboro, AL Business tutoring may only be the beginning, so searching for other tutoring subjects related to Business will expand your search options. This will ensure having access to exceptional tutors near Hurtsboro, AL Or online to help with the skills necessary to succeed.

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