Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Jorge S. near Charlotte, NC 28217 Rates from $10 to $15

Jorge S.

Ready when you are !!!
  • Charlotte, NC 28217
  • Male Age 50
  • Member since: 01/2016
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $10 to $15 /hr
  • On-line
  • Terms: $3 fuel surcharge over 10 miles - Cancellation without notice fee of $15 - Materials not included in rate

Profile Details

Experience Summary

Taught students with emotional challenges who had been unsuccessful in other educational settings. Despite negative cognitive and affective entry level behaviors, with the appropriate instructional conditions, every student experienced educational success. Taught Spanish all levels. Used differentiate instruction where students were matched with tasks compatible with their individual learning profile. Spanish club advisor: revitalized and promoted students responsibility and social skills within an educational environment.

Teaching Style

Day by Day regular conversation style

My Hobbies

Raquet ball, movies , community service

Other Comments



  • Spanish