Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Harold B. near Fayetteville, AR 72703 Rates from $20 to $75

Harold B.

Perfect practice makes perfect.
  • Fayetteville, AR 72703
  • Male Age 29
  • Member since: 11/2015
  • Will travel up to 40 miles
  • Rates from $20 to $75 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Terms: $3 fuel surcharge over 10 miles. Materials not included in rate.

Profile Details

Experience Summary

I started playing music when i was ten years old, and have continued my knowledge and talent ever since. I can currently play twelve instruments at at-least a basic level, four of those twelve at an experienced level, and two at a highly advanced level. In high school i made All-Region twice, and All-State once, placing Second Band, Third Chair, and ninth best in the state on tuba after just a year and a half of playing the instrument. I continued on to college at the University of Central Arkansas, where I was lucky to get to study with Christian Carichner as a tuba student. However, before the end of my first year i dropped out of college to begin my family, in hopes of returning to college for my music education in the near future.

Teaching Style

I believe that there is never a single way to teach students; even day to day learning may differ with a single student, and I feel it's the teachers job to do their best to cater to this fluctuation. With music, there are basic and advanced methods, and a lot of practice in between. I don't believe that just practice makes perfect, and neither does just talent. Perfect practice makes perfect. Teachers help students achieve and preform at their best.

Top Subjects

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Expert

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Expert, and one of my top Subjects!
As there is no category to list Euphonium or Tuba on here, I can also tutor for these two instruments as well.

Proficiency: Experienced

Also Tutors These Subjects

  • Cornet
  • Violin