Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Grant B. near Denver, CO 80224 Rate: $30

Grant B.

Knowledgable Tutor with Years of Education and Experience
  • Denver, CO 80224
  • Male Age 28
  • Member since: 07/2015
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Tutoring Rate: $30 /hr
  • On-line In-Group
  • Terms: $20 first session, 24-hour cancellation preferred.

Profile Details

Experience Summary

My experience begins with ASL 1 and 2 in high school, followed by ASL 3, 4, and 5 in college. I have also taken Deaf Culture, Linguistics of ASL, Deaf Education, and a Fingerspelling, Numbers, and Classifiers course,having a wide range of knowledge of the Deaf community. My tutoring experience includes numerous college level students, close friends, adults and elementary aged children. Additionally, I stayed at an Airbnb for a month in an environment that primarily used sign language!


Year Rcvd
Issued By
Year Rcvd:
Deaf Culture / American Sign Language Studies
Issued By:
American River College

Teaching Style

I begin with fingerspelling and numbers, move to basic signs used around the house and in casual introductory level conversations, and finally progress to more detail oriented conversations. Every student learns differently and I will adjust the teaching method to what is the most appropriate for that specific person. After introducing and implementing the basics, conversational skills are my preferred method as these allow the learner to become more comfortable and produce at their own speed.

My Hobbies

I enjoyed attending Deaf events in the Sacramento area, and experiencing the outdoors: snowboarding, longboarding, going to the beach, kayaking, and paddle boarding. Going to or playing any sport any well: basketball, baseball, soccer, etc.

Other Comments

American Sign Language is an incredible language. Many people think, "I want to be able to do that because it looks cool", but this really doesn't allow you to fully immerse in the language. While it is absolutely fascinating to use your hands to communicate, the culture behind the language is remarkable as well. The ways the people of the Deaf community express themselves is like no other. From painting to poetry, the creativity and pride that the culture displays is part of what makes ASL as great as it is. When you consider learning American Sign Language, take the full leap and immerse yourself in the true beauty of it, you won't be disappointed!

Top Subjects

Sign Language
Proficiency: Experienced, and one of my top Subjects!
I took two years in high school and have taken 2+ years of college coursework. I have taught various people how to sign, from personal friends to the children of personal friend, as well as college students and other special circumstances. I have a passion for the language and love teaching others the skill for future use.

Proficiency: Experienced, and one of my top Subjects!

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  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft PowerPoint