Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Bruce B. near Stuart, FL 34997 Rates from $20 to $50

Bruce B.

Private Music Lessons for concert band instruments and piano
  • Stuart, FL 34997
  • Male
  • Member since: 05/2015
  • Will travel up to 10 miles
  • Rates from $20 to $50 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • In-Home
  • Terms: One lesson per week, 30 minutes to one hour, all woodwind instruments, all brass instruments and piano, your home or mine.

Profile Details

Experience Summary

I am a certified music teacher from New York. I relocated in Florida in 2012 after retiring from public school music teaching. My major instrument is clarinet, and I teach all woodwind instruments, brass instruments and piano. My students range from beginners to most talented, experienced performers. I have performed with many professional concert bands, jazz ensembles and show orchestras. I am a member of the Stuart Community Concert Band, and I have performed with the American Concert Band, The Atlantic Wind Symphony, Clem DaRosa's Jazz Band at the University of Vermont, the Central Ohio Symphony Orchestra at Ohio Wesleyan University, American Youth Performs at Carnegie Hall, Damrosh Mall Concert Series, and various pit orchestras for numerous musical productions. My students have always performed well for NYSSMA festivals and music adjudication events in New York and Florida.

Teaching Style

I teach many varied methodologies in order to best serve the individual learning styles of the students.


  • Cornet
  • Flute
  • Piano
  • Saxophone
  • Trombone
  • Trumpet