Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Sarah M. near Nolensville, TN 37135 Rates from $10 to $15

Sarah M.

  • Nolensville, TN 37135
  • Female Age 41
  • Member since: 05/2015
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $10 to $15 /hr
  • In-Home In-Group
  • Terms: Cancelation without notice fee of $15.00 Materials not included in rate

Profile Details

Experience Summary

4 years experience as a foreign language Tutor. Earned a certificate as a Spanish Legal Interpreter. Worked as a Spanish Translator for 6 years.Translated articles for a Spanish newspaper, translated songs,websites and a biography into Spanish. 2 years studying Hebrew, and I achieved a basic conversational level.

Teaching Style

Focus is on aquiring a sense of comfort and familiarity of the language and culture.

My Hobbies

Taking group classes at the gym, volunteering at a womens' shelter, and studying nutrition.


  • Hebrew
  • Spanish