Profile Details
Experience Summary
I began Sunday School teaching as a volunteer during my teen years at church. Not realizing that my teacher saw in me what I could never see in myself. Selective mutism, shyness and lack of confidence were my personal barriers. What was a responsibility became a passion later. Today, I've experienced the pleasure to train on all levels and variety of environments. I've tutored Math, Reading Comprehension, Religious Subjects for Biblical Institutions, and tutor those pursuing medical certification.
Year Rcvd
Issued By
No Child Left Behind /Paraprofessional Training
Issued By:
Stockton Unified School District
Certified Postsecondary Instructor
Issued By:
National Center For Competency Testing
Certified Professional Coder
Issued By:
American Academy of Professional Coders
Teaching Style
My style is Fun and creative while in a structured approach to learning. Based on needs of individual, several techniques, methods and approaches are used interchangably.
My Hobbies
Research, Community Building, Volunteering for my church, feeding needy, mentoring
- Basic Learning Skills
- Elementary Math
- Elementary Phonics
- Elementary Reading
- Elementary Vocabulary