Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by cyaira m. near Waterbury, CT 06704 Rates from $14 to $20

cyaira m.

If you need help in math or english i'm the right person for
  • Waterbury, CT 06704
  • Female Age 46
  • Member since: 01/2014
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $14 to $20 /hr
  • On-line

Profile Details

Experience Summary

I have had a lot of experince in tutoring. I feel like when I am teaching u u are suppose to be having fun but also learnig.Even though we are on the computer I want you to be able to ask me questions if you don't get something or need help.In the past some of my stubent really like how I use to teach them so I would give them a call and we would meet up at Barnes&Oble and the really liked to see me and what is was like.

Teaching Style

Having fun,Learning,Let the student ask questions,and also making sure they understand.

My Hobbies

My Hobbies Are Working,Modeling,Having fun.


  • Math
  • Grammar
  • Reading
  • Spelling