Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Yaritza H. near Philadelphia, PA 19104 Rates from $20 to $40

Yaritza H.

  • Philadelphia, PA 19104
  • Female
  • Member since: 02/2014
  • Will travel up to 10 miles
  • Rates from $20 to $40 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Terms: Cancellation without notice fee equivalent to half of one session.

Profile Details

Experience Summary

I have been tutoring Japanese at the beginning and intermediate level for nearly 5 months now and thoroughly enjoy it. In the past, I designed a 5-week introductory course to the Japanese language for a summer college prep program and instructed high school students in 2010. I have been a student of the Japanese language for a combined 5 years and, though I have officially passed the JLPT Level N1 exam, I know there is still much I can learn. I hope to some day undertake graduate level studies at a Japanese university.


Year Rcvd
Issued By
Year Rcvd:
Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Issued By:
The Japan Foundation

Year Rcvd:
Certificate of Completion for 10-Month Program
Issued By:
Inter-University Center for Japanese Studies

Year Rcvd:
East Asian Languages & Civilizations (Japanese)
Issued By:
University of Pennsylvania

Teaching Style

My policy is to always find out what my tutees' needs are, so I often will ask questions to determine what s/he wants to get out of our lessons together and how I can best provide it. One thing that I bring to the table that native Japanese speakers may not is experience in struggling with the language. So I know, for instance, some of the grammar patterns Japanese learners find difficult because I mostly likely was in the same boat at one point or another. I also try to make it fun, again, according to need but, rest assured, I am very serious about getting the points across and making sure there is full comprehension on your part!

My Hobbies

Anime and manga are what brought me to want to study the Japanese language and still are two of my biggest hobbies. I also greatly enjoy food and travel. Cooking and baking are also ways I enjoy my free time.

Top Subjects

Proficiency: Expert, and one of my top Subjects!
I have studied Japanese actively for a total of about 5 years but started over 5 years ago (in 2006). I took Japanese courses during all semesters as an undergrad student, with my junior year at an intensive study abroad program in Kyoto. I also recently participated in the 10-month program at the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Yokohama, the only program in the world that focuses exclusively on advanced Japanese language training, from fall 2012 to summer 2013. I also passed the JLPT N1 Exam offered this past December 2013.