My Hobbies
Outdoors Colorado, praise leader at church (guitar/bass/vocals), cycling, running, playing with my dog,spending time with friends, helping students change their lives.
Top Subjects
I minored in Philosophy in College as an undergrad. Logic is one of the four cornerstones of the discipline. Both Aristotleian and formal logic.
Can generally do most/all of it.
Precalculs is Pre-algebra plus Trigonometry (Analytical geometry), It is not a separate subject except in a High School catalog.
Proficiency: Expert, and one of my top Subjects!
Chemistry is the answer to fundamental questions about the nature of reality and our surroundings. The general chemistry sequence or survey course is designed to prepare you for any division of chemistry you wish to enter. Inorganic, Organic, Physical, and Analytical. Many students have had exposure to the basic principles in high school or an AP class. It was my favorite subject that year and I've been helping people with it ever since.
Your experiences with these courses will deeply affect your attitude toward your selection of major. Make it a great first impression. The biggest challenges are not the equations...the math is restricted to high school algebra, it is the concepts and first principles that will carry you forward as a scientist, doctor, whatever you are enduring a science load for!
Organic Chemistry
Proficiency: Expert, and one of my top Subjects!
I am a practicing Organic Chemist. I have terminal knowledge in the subject and have been consultant for corporations (publishing and pharmaceutical) and worked as full-time university faculty (CU, Mines, Princeton). Chemistry is work for me, however teaching chemistry is what I enjoy most. I think you will find it fun too, once the rules are actually explained to you. (Surprise! No one has or will explain it to you, not even your professor--see for yourself).
I primarily tutor Organic and General so you can rest assured 100% accuracy and depth of understanding from a chemist, not just any science major. Don't risk your time and money on someone with barely a semester of experience more than you. It takes years of graduate organic education not experience tutoring or assistant teaching. To communicate the subject precisely at the level you need to ace your class and even your professor, you need someone who thinks like your professor. A tutor a with master's or PhD in another subject has the same experience of organic as an undergraduate. They will overcharge you to boot for being an expert in another field completely.
Organic is unlike any other subject, even polymer chemists who do reactions and use organic chemicals all day have not done actual organic chemistry in years. They follow a recipe, same with chemical engineers who ensure the plumbing in the reaction and distillation towers is running but not the reactions taking place and how they happen. That's what consultants are for.
You have nothing to lose except stress and the risk of retaking this course which may postpone your expected graduation for a year. You may need organic for upper-division classes which aren't offered every semester. Imagine what dropping this course (or failing it) will cost you, growing interest on your loans, more tuition, and a lost year of salary and experience you could have earned if you graduated as planned. Try it and see what a difference it can make in your grade, your science education, and your lifetime earnings potential.
I have dozens of recommendations from pharmacists, dentists, and surgeons who got there with a little guidance. I can help you too, online or in person.
I am an American fully trained PhD Organic Chemist and lecturer: a de facto scientist.
There is a difference between being a scientist and doing science. I will not go into it here.
I am an editor/author/copyrighter who has skills in expository, compositional, technical, scientific, medical, narrative and creative writing. I author a world famous blog. In college, I passed out of the composition requirement not once but three times out of all three composition courses. I was told it was unprecedented.
In addition, I've proofread my colleagues theses and dissertation, even re-writing large parts of it. I've studied philosophy and have strong argumentative, expository, and missives that get people accepted to grad school. I can help you with your paper, your semester project, posters/presentations, Honors thesis, PhD Dissertation and much more.
One of my favorite subjects in college. Shakespeare, Robspierre, Chaucer, et al.
I read profusely and prodigiously.
Reading Comprehension
I scored in the 98%ile in Verbal on the GRE and in the 92%ile on the MCAT.
I am an editor/author/copyrighter who has skills in expository, compositional, technical, scientific, medical, narrative and creative writing. I author a world famous blog. In college, I passed out of the composition requirement not once but three times out of all three composition courses. It was unprecedented.
In addition, I've proofread my colleagues theses and dissertation, even re-writing large parts of it. I've studied philosophy and have strong argumentative, expository, and missives that get people accepted to grad school.
I can help you with your paper, your semester project, posters/presentations, Honors thesis, PhD Dissertation and much more.
Proficiency: Expert, and one of my top Subjects!
I have helped dozens to attain the AFQT score they wanted often covering math from the start.
I have people reach MOS and the jobs/pay grades of their choice starting from scratch. Most score in the 75%ile or higher.
I scored in the 98%ile in the Verbal Section, and in the 80%ile on the Quantitative. Overall I am in the top 5 per cent of the country in general college based knowledge/diction/and writing sample (Score: S)
I took the MCAT before the recent revision. I scored a 40 which got me into three medical schools. I got my PhD in chemistry instead. Physical: 13 Biological: 14 Verbal: 13
Pharmacy College Admission Test: Mainly chemistry and organic chemistry at the rudimentary level. I've helped 15 people into pharmacy school in the last 4 years.
Test Preparation
I've crushed the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, and MCAT. It is all about learning the nuances of the standardized test methodology used. You need not know everything, but instead be able to put the pieces you are given together.
The key is confidence, practice, and getting the timing down. If you run out of time, you've failed regardless of your score.
Testing Skills
I specialize on test taking strategy and the fundamentals of test cracking.
Elementary Science
I cam a qualified K-12 teacher of any subject in addition, all courses need in college are available.