Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Thomas W. near Columbus, OH 43224 Rates from $20 to $30

Thomas W.

  • Columbus, OH 43224
  • Male Age 38
  • Member since: 02/2013
  • Will travel up to 15 miles
  • Rates from $20 to $30 /hr
  • In-Home
  • Terms: Cancellation without at least 24 hour notice fee of $20.

Profile Details

Experience Summary

I am excellent at taking in and processing information and then fluently teaching others that same information in a way they can fully understand it. In High School, I taught many students in my chemistry class how to thoroughly understand the material. I have effectively taught and trained others the game of chess.

Teaching Style

I offer a comprehensive and effective teaching method that will help the learner thoroughly understand the material, not simply memorizing it. My teaching consists of critical thinking and logical reasoning.

Other Comments

If you are interested in a session, please email me at lolpro86@yahoo.com.

Top Subjects

Proficiency: Experienced

Algebra I
Proficiency: Experienced

Algebra II
Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced, and one of my top Subjects!

Earth Science
Proficiency: Experienced

Life Science
Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced
Must Provide own resources

SAT - Verbal
Proficiency: Experienced
Must provide own resources

Proficiency: Expert, and one of my top Subjects!
Approximately an 1800 Elo player

Homework Help
Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Expert
Basic computer training

Microsoft Excel
Proficiency: Experienced

Microsoft Office
Proficiency: Experienced
Efficient in Word, Powerpoint, Excel. I know the basics of Access

Microsoft PowerPoint
Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced, and one of my top Subjects!
Hand drums only

Proficiency: Experienced
Mallet instruments and Timpani

Basic Learning Skills
Proficiency: Experienced
Critical Thinking Skills

Elementary Math
Proficiency: Experienced

Elementary Science
Proficiency: Experienced

Elementary Vocabulary
Proficiency: Experienced

Also Tutors These Subjects

  • Microsoft Access