Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Pauline G. near Modesto, CA 95356 Rates from $10 to $25

Pauline G.

American Sign Language Tutor
  • Modesto, CA 95356
  • Female Age 56
  • Member since: 05/2012
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $10 to $25 /hr
  • In-Home
  • Terms: - $3 fuel surcharge over 10 miles - Cancellation without notice fee of $15 - Materials not included in rate

Profile Details

Experience Summary

I have taken all the sign language courses at Modesto Junior College (these classes are of the same curriculum as Stanislaus State). I received an "A" on all of my coursework. I then was asked by the sign language instructor at MJC to become her teaching assistant. I was in charge of teaching on my own when the instructor was called away to business. I instructed the students under the direction of the instructor. I tutored the students in the tutoring center at MJC.


Year Rcvd
Issued By
Year Rcvd:
Sign Language Teaching Assistant
Issued By:

Teaching Style

I believe that it is best for the student to let me know what needs they have in order for me to help them become more fluent in sign language. Once we have accessed your skills, then we can move on to improve them. I can go through vocabulary with the student. I can give the students signed as well as written tests. I am also willing to accompany the student to deaf socials where they can practice their sign language skills with deaf persons.

My Hobbies

I am actively involved in the deaf community. I regularly attend deaf socials.

Other Comments

I will be returning to MJC to continue my work in the fall. I am currently on summer vacation and am looking for employment that will allow me to continue my college studies. I am a patient teacher who loves to help others.


  • Sign Language