Experience Summary
I have over thirty years of teaching experience helping students succeed by developing their skills in language arts. Reading instruction is my passion and I have worked with students from Kindergarten through Grade 8. Also, I have helped many students pass state-mandated tests through the use of tried and true strategies and skill awareness. Helping students of all ages, learn the basics of reading and improve fluency, is something that I enjoy and have experienced great success. It is always rewarding to see a student gain a year or two of reading levels in a few short months. My experience has shown that by working with students and giving them key tools to use, they can begin to gain confidence and improve fluency in reading.
Top Subjects
Teacher Cert Exams
I have passed several teaching exams.
Test Preparation
I feel very confident helping someone in this area, working with Reading and vocabulary.
Testing Skills
Proficiency: Experienced, and one of my top Subjects!
I am very experienced in helping students with testing skills.
Testing Strategies
Proficiency: Expert, and one of my top Subjects!
I have a great deal of experience in teaching test strategies.