Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Gabriel S. near Kingsburg, CA 93631 Rates from $25 to $35

Gabriel S.

"Music expresses that which cannot be said." V. Hugo
  • Kingsburg, CA 93631
  • Male Age 32
  • Member since: 02/2012
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $25 to $35 /hr
  • In-Home

Profile Details

Experience Summary

Throughout all my years in school, I was a Choir student. I was in my school's top varsity choirs and took a few years of music theory. I would help other students prepare for competitions, or simply help them with other things, whether it was vocal issues or things like reading music. I know much about both Classical Training and Contemporary Training. Also, I tutored many classmates in math, whether it was during my math class, during my lunch period, or after school hours, helping my teachers with giving after school tutoring.

Teaching Style

Whether it's Musical help or Mathematical help that's needed, I like to realize the difficulties students are having. Then, together with them, I'll break down the problem, finding the source of confusion or difficulty they're having. Then start from the very beginning of the lesson they're learning, reteaching as though there was never any difficulties at all. I'll make sure students learn and understand, only to develop the possible ability to help others as though they never had any difficulties.

My Hobbies

Music is in my soul. Singing is my passion. I play guitar and piano. I like to write my own poetry and music. I enjoy playing baseball with my younger brother.

Other Comments

If vocal lessons is what you're looking for, I must say that I do not have a piano or keyboard of my own at the moment. Please be able to provide one at your home.

Top Subjects

Proficiency: Experienced

Algebra I
Proficiency: Experienced, and one of my top Subjects!

Algebra II
Proficiency: Experienced, and one of my top Subjects!

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Experienced

Proficiency: Expert, and one of my top Subjects!