Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Kaylin L. near Modesto, CA 95351 Rates from $10 to $15

Kaylin L.

If you're interested, call me at 209-996-1968. Thank you.
  • Modesto, CA 95351
  • Female Age 33
  • Member since: 02/2012
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $10 to $15 /hr
  • In-Home

Profile Details

Experience Summary

I have spent 2 years assisting elementary school teachers, grades kindergarten/1st/2nd. I was mainly involved in learning activities which consisted of reading, writing, spelling, and object identification. I was also involved in assisting the kids in group activities such as arts and crafts and outside activities. I've also graded students classwork and homework, and participated in story time, in which I read a variety of books to kids while providing mental stimulation as well as verbal entertainment.


Year Rcvd
Issued By
Year Rcvd:
Presidential for Academic Excellence
Issued By:
President Bush

Teaching Style

My teaching style is patient because I was working with younger kids, providing a demonstration of what I wanted then to do before asking them to do it, if it involves writing or any other type of physical activity. When teaching reading and vocabulary i would sound out the letter or word and then ask the child to do the same, then move on to the next letter or word. After I have gone over the material with them once, while providing tips they can use to remember certain things, I'll ask them to try it on their own. If they are still having difficulty, I'll help them sound out the letter/word till they get it on their own. That's usually all it takes.

My Hobbies

I love reading, writing, and learning new things. I love entertaining kids, as well as teaching them. I also love watching t.v/movies, and spending my time with quality people.

Other Comments

I've learned that the more you are able to capture a child's interest, the more focus and attention they will give you when you try teaching them something. Sometimes, i'll even incorporate a child's favorite thing to help them learn a new material easier. When you provide a child with a fun and unique learning experience, chances are that they will enjoy learning and be more cooperative with you in the long run. I'm also a strong believer in positive reinforcement. When a child has met or exceeded the expectations required of them, I like to reward them with something they love. When a child is both verbally and physically rewarded for doing a good job, the chances of them succeeding in school are a lot higher than children who aren't.


  • Creative Writing
  • English
  • Language Arts
  • Literature
  • Reading
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Spelling
  • Writing
  • Homework Help
  • Typing Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Vocals
  • Basic Learning Skills
  • Elementary
  • Elementary Grammar
  • Elementary Phonics
  • Elementary Reading
  • Elementary Vocabulary