Tutoring Nearby

Tutoring by Yousif B. near Chicago, IL 60615 Rates from $20 to $30

Yousif B.

  • Chicago, IL 60615
  • Male Age 39
  • Member since: 02/2012
  • Will travel up to 15 miles
  • Rates from $20 to $30 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Terms: For online sessions:- 1-Student assessment before starting Tutoring session is for free. 2- Send a Gift card Number of 25$ at the Beginning of each 1 hour session.

Profile Details

Experience Summary

I'm an American from Arab origin Doctor, Mother Tongue: - Arabic. I lived 25 years on Arab countries, I took my secondary school degree from United Arab Emirates, my degrees were between 92% - 99% at school years, I'm a graduated Doctor from school of medicine University of Gezira 2010, I had a 4 years experience of training leadership and presentation skills on Arabic , certified by World health Organization – University of Gezira – and Other organizations, I'm ready to teach Arabic for students in all levels.


Year Rcvd
Issued By
Year Rcvd:
Bachelor of Medicine and surgery
Issued By:
University of Gezira - Sudan

Teaching Style

* Teach Arabic to improve speaking formal Arabic, and slangs of Arab countries ( Gulf countries , Egypt , Syria , Sudan ). * Teach Arabic Language Roles "Functions, Grammars, and other roles". * Teach the basics of writing in Arabic "Letters, Stories, Diaries" . * Teach the basics of writing in Arabic Poetry for advance level. * Ready to provide studying materials if needed.

Top Subjects

Proficiency: Expert, and one of my top Subjects!