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Find Ventura, CA Teacher Cert Exams Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

martha b. - Ventura, CA 93004 ( 5.2 mi ) - $ 47.00 to 53.00 /hr

martha b.

  • Ventura, CA 93004 ( 5.2 mi )
  • Teacher Cert Exams Tutor
  • Female
  • Member Since: 09/2010
  • Will travel up to 30 miles
  • Rates from $47.00 to $53.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • Also Tutors: GED, Florida Writes, FCAT, Entrance Exams, ACT

More About This Tutor...

As a University of South Florida college of education graduate I have a wealth of experience with teaching both in the classroom and on a one to one basis. I have successfully tutored students in english, reading comprehension, science and social sciences. During my internship I taught all manner of history classes including AP world history and Psychology. In addition I have tutored for 5 years at all age and skill levels.
My teaching style is to show students how to make themselves successful. By motivating my students to do their best every time I can help them exceed expectations and thrive under any situation both academically and socially. Many students focus on what they think they cannot do. What I teach them is to highlight their strengths and improve their weaknesses. I do so with the use of clear directions, constant monitoring, and positive praise. I believe every child ... read more

Teresa W. - Montecito, CA 93108 ( 19.4 mi ) - $ 45.00 to 61.00 /hr

Teresa W.

  • Montecito, CA 93108 ( 19.4 mi )
  • Teacher Cert Exams Tutor
  • Female
  • Member Since: 03/2010
  • Will travel up to 25 miles
  • Rates from $45.00 to $61.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • Also Tutors: GED, Entrance Exams, ACT

A Little Bit About Me...

As a teacher, I try to empower my students to take responsibility for their actions and for their learning results. I try to lead them and to show them how and where to find the answers, but feel they learn best when they take the final step in the learning process and discover the answers with my guidance. The results are that they acquire not only knowledge, but the ability to process information and to solve problems. I am trained in teaching individuals with differences in learning styles, as well as in teaching English learners. I speak fluent French, am proficient in Spanish and Italian, and am passionate about French/France and English literature. I share this passion with my students.
I have experience teaching French and English at the high school level at a private/Catholic high school in Ventura County. I have held this full-time teaching position for 2 years. ... read more

Here is Some Good Information About Teacher Cert Exams Tutoring

Teacher Certification Exam coming up? Are you ready? How can you be ready in time? Select your tutor on your terms, at your convenience and fitted to your budget. No certification can mean no job, no tenure and subpar performance. Don't be afraid of teacher certification exams, help is a call away. From Washington to Maine to Florida to California teachers are taking certification exams. Our experts will help you prepare with a personalized program to maximize results. We tutor where you want to teach. Ask a tutor how by calling today.

Find Ventura, CA Tutoring Subjects Related to Teacher Cert Exams

Ventura, CA Teacher Cert Exams tutoring may only be the beginning, so searching for other tutoring subjects related to Teacher Cert Exams will expand your search options. This will ensure having access to exceptional tutors near Ventura, CA Or online to help with the skills necessary to succeed.

Search for Ventura, CA Teacher Cert Exams Tutors By Academic Level

Academic Levels for Ventura, CA Teacher Cert Exams Tutoring are varied. Whether you are working below, on, or above grade level TutorSelect has the largest selection of Ventura, CA Teacher Cert Exams tutors for you. Catch up or get ahead with our talented tutors online or near you.

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