Fadwa C.
- San Antonio, TX 78251 ( 10.4 mi )
- Female
- Member Since: 11/2015
- Will travel up to 5 miles
- Rates from $10.00 to $30.00 /hr
- I am a Certified Teacher
- Also Tutors: Special Education, Basic Learning Skills, Arabic
A Little Bit About Me...
Instructor, Islamic Academy School, San Antonio-2012-2014
o Grades from K- 8th Taught English, Arabic language, Arts, physical, health education, and math.
o Created lesson outlines and organized field trips and recreational activities
o Informed parents of educational development and disciplinary issues.
Instructor: Villarreal Elementary school District San Antonio, TX 2009
o Adapt high school curriculum to teach Basic Skills English, Mathematics, Biology, and Social Studies to students with Intellectual Disabilities.
o Develop adapted curriculum testing materials, implement, and compile portfolios for Assessment.
o Collaborate with general education teachers.
o Work with students individually and in groups to promote full academic functioning
o Design specialized program of Computer Applications that enable students to improve literacy, and gain knowledge and independence by r ... read more