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Find Latham, KS College Materials Engineering Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

Matthew A. - Wichita, KS 67226 ( 32.3 mi ) - $ 60.00 to 65.00 /hr

Matthew A.

  • Wichita, KS 67226 ( 32.3 mi )
  • Materials Engineering Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 04/2011
  • Will travel up to 10 miles
  • Rates from $60.00 to $65.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Aerospace Engineering

More About This Tutor...

Since I've been tutoring I've helped around 50 students individually and have developed different teaching styles to suit different students. I am aware that each person learns material in a different manner so the teaching style must be adapted to suit their individual needs. I am patient and friendly and more than capable of explaining material so that students are able to grasp it.
I have been tutoring my entire college career. All of my students received the grade that they were wanting and quite a few students even recommended me to their peers. I began tutoring one student a semester privately and was eventually recruited to tutor for a University program. While tutoring for the program I tutored 7 students one on one and ran a help room where I assisted many more. I have a BS in Aerospace Engineering so I am quite familiar with most math and science subjects. I also gradu ... read more

Here is Some Good Information About Materials Engineering Tutoring

Materials Engineering - having issues with kinetic Monte Carlo models, molecular dynamics, density functional theory or thermodynamics? Select a tutor today. Materials Engineering utilizes resources (perhaps metals), tools (physical, mechanical and processes) and engineering principles to supply a solution to a design problem. Need help with the total picture? Select a tutor now. Materials Engineering grad student taking Ceramic Processing, Electronic Materials Processing orAdvanced Materials Processing? Looking for Help? Select a tutor today.

Find Latham, KS College Tutoring Subjects Related to Materials Engineering

Latham, KS Materials Engineering tutoring may only be the beginning, so searching for other tutoring subjects related to Materials Engineering will expand your search options. This will ensure having access to exceptional tutors near Latham, KS Or online to help with the skills necessary to succeed.

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