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Find Hines, IL HTML Tutors For Lessons, Instruction or Help

A Tutor in the Spotlight!

Mehul P. - Skokie, IL 60076 ( 11.9 mi ) - $ 10 to 20 /hr

Mehul P.

  • Skokie, IL 60076 ( 11.9 mi )
  • Experienced HTML Tutor
  • Male Age 39
  • Member since: 06/2013
  • Will travel up to 30 miles
  • Rates from $10 to $20 /hr
  • In-Home
  • Also Tutors: Microsoft PowerPoint, SQL, Objective C, Computer, C++, Microsoft Access

More About This Tutor...

Curruntly in Master in Computer science in roosevelt university. I have good knowledge of c++, HTML, SQL, and desktop support and connectivity. I have done undergraduation in computer science from another country. Also I have certificate in c++.

kwadwo a. - Chicago, IL 60616 ( 9.9 mi ) - $ 20.00 to 100.00 /hr

kwadwo a.

  • Chicago, IL 60616 ( 9.9 mi )
  • HTML Tutor
  • Male Age 41
  • Member Since: 03/2015
  • Will travel up to 30 miles
  • Rates from $20.00 to $100.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Computer Programming, jquery, Linux, SQL, MVC, PHP, CSS, Computer, Javascript, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access

Professional Software engineer

Strong knowledge of subject areas in Computer Science combined with a broad subject background enabling contributions to teaching program. Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills. Proven record of ability to conduct high quality research which is reflected in the authorship of high quality publications, and other research outputs, in the areas of computer science. Proven record of ability to manage time and work to strict deadlines. Exceptional ability to teach and to supervise academic work by undergraduates, masters and doctoral students In-depth ability to work collaboratively. Great ability to perform research in computer science. Sound ability to assess student work, design curriculum, and engage with scholarly/professional community. Solid commitment to academic research, high quality teaching and fostering a positive learning environment for students ... read more

Chris C. - Chicago, Skokie or near, IL 60077 ( 11.2 mi ) - $ 25.00 to 55.00 /hr

Chris C.

  • Chicago, Skokie or near, IL 60077 ( 11.2 mi )
  • Experienced HTML Tutor
  • Female
  • Member Since: 02/2015
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $25.00 to $55.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel

More About This Tutor...

10+ years of teaching , training and tutoring experience . Students are from all over the world, us, canada, china, japan, tailand, UK, France, Germany etc. Customized class will be provided to student level and needs. If you like to learn not only knowledge, but also learning skills and experience, more importantly, the real wisdom for you to have a better life, you will not regret to have this nice, loving and caring teacher. Please contact chriscao.usa@gmail.com with your specific needs ASAP.

Dinesh D. - Mount Prospect, IL 60056 ( 13.1 mi ) - $ 10.00 to 50.00 /hr

Dinesh D.

  • Mount Prospect, IL 60056 ( 13.1 mi )
  • HTML Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 09/2016
  • Will travel up to 20 miles
  • Rates from $10.00 to $50.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: jquery, SQL, MVC, CSS, XML, Javascript, ASP.NET, Microsoft Office

A Little Bit About Me...

Learn .Net Technologies or Maths comfort in home via Mobile / Tablet / Computer/laptop. LIVE Video Call Tutoring ( Maths Homework Help, Assignment Help ) is provided to all Worldwide Students. From elementary level to All College Levels ( BSc, BCom, BBA, Diploma, BE, GRE, Placement Training, Assessment Test.)

Vivian Z. - Schaumburg, IL 60173 ( 15.5 mi ) - $ 20.00 to 40.00 /hr

Vivian Z.

  • Schaumburg, IL 60173 ( 15.5 mi )
  • HTML Tutor
  • Female
  • Member Since: 12/2011
  • Will travel up to 10 miles
  • Rates from $20.00 to $40.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access

A Little Bit About Me...

I have been working at IT area for more than ten years. Was a Sr. System Analyst at United Airlines for ten years. I worked on Customer Relations Management system. And I have strong skills in computing language, SQL server and MS office products, and I have strong communication skill with customers. My education background is: University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN M.S. in Software Engineering (Sept. 1995 – Dec. 1997) Changsha Institute of Technology, Hunan, China B.A. in Computer Science (Sept. 1987 – Jul. 1991)

Katharine S. - Batavia, IL 60510 ( 24.1 mi ) - $ 20.00 to 50.00 /hr

Katharine S.

  • Batavia, IL 60510 ( 24.1 mi )
  • HTML Tutor
  • Female Age 38
  • Member Since: 08/2012
  • Will travel up to 30 miles
  • Rates from $20.00 to $50.00 /hr
  • On-line In-Home In-Group
  • Also Tutors: Computer Programming, CAD, Microsoft PowerPoint, Linux, Perl, Computer, C++, Microsoft Office, Graphic Design, Microsoft Excel, Desktop Publishing, Microsoft Access

I am not young enough to know everything

I agree with the concept that each person learns a bit differently, and even more so that as a tutor, I should try and find the most effective style for my tutee. My academic career also taught me the importance of setting time limits for each action item; and switching tasks to keep the mind sharp.
You will see from my resume below that I have strong experience in math, science, engineering and computers. It is worth mentioning that I am also skilled in english (5 on my AP World Lit exam) and art (voted most artistic in my senior high school class). I have also tutored at least 4 students in the past, and found it to be a successful and rewarding experience. Katharine P. Snell Katie.snell@hotmail.com Address: 1026 Millview Ct. | Batavia, Il 60510 | 630-207-3819 (mobile) SUMMARY A personable and accessible electrical engineer with a talent for analytical thinking and ... read more

Mandana M. - Oak Park, IL 60304 ( 1.9 mi ) - $ 48.00 to 53.00 /hr

Mandana M.

  • Oak Park, IL 60304 ( 1.9 mi )
  • HTML Tutor
  • Female
  • Member Since: 07/2010
  • Will travel up to 10 miles
  • Rates from $48.00 to $53.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Microsoft Office, Graphic Design, Microsoft Excel, Desktop Publishing, Microsoft Access

A Little Bit About Me...

During the last eight years I have honed my teaching skills in a number of roles: tutoring math and language arts with America Reads, teaching English to elementary aged second language learners in France, working with learning disabled high schoolers as an English and U.S. government teacher, and training corporate clients in the use of software applications. In addition to these diverse experiences, my academic background in languages and business allows me to move confidently between subjects including Spanish, French, economics, math, English and the ACT & SAT exams.
I am a patient and positive teacher and implement multiple learning strategies to help each student best engage with the material based on his or her strengths. I enjoy working with learners of all ages and strive to make lessons meaningful and engaging to the individual.

Douglas T. - Elmhurst, IL 60126 ( 5.4 mi ) - $ 46.00 to 52.00 /hr

Douglas T.

  • Elmhurst, IL 60126 ( 5.4 mi )
  • HTML Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 06/2010
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $46.00 to $52.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • Also Tutors: ASP.NET, Microsoft Office, Graphic Design, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access

A Little Bit About Me...

I have progressed from Research Engineer to Senior Research Associate over the course of 32 years in the U.S. Paper Industry. Eventually, I became a Product and Process Development Scientist working in Europe, Canada, and the Americas on long-range capital technical projects. I persisted in R&D until 2005, when I opted to start a brand-new career in Information Technology. After graduating with BSIT in 2006 Summa Cum Laude (4.00) from DeVry Chicago, I held jobs in database, programming, disaster recovery, and as an online instructor for DeVry. Education has become my final destination due to the satisfaction I receive from engaging and solving learning opportunities with my students both young and mature.
I have taught "Introduction to Business & Technology" since March, 2008 and was promoted to teaching two classes online in 8-week cycles as "adjunct professor" in mid-2010. I was ... read more

John U. - Chicago, IL 60641 ( 6.3 mi ) - $ 45.00 to 52.00 /hr

John U.

  • Chicago, IL 60641 ( 6.3 mi )
  • HTML Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 07/2010
  • Will travel up to 5 miles
  • Rates from $45.00 to $52.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • Also Tutors: VB.net, Javascript, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel

Read More About John U...

I have both practical and conceptual understanding of mathematics as I have tutored kids and taught mathematics at a high school level. In addition, I have certifications in biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science. I like making connections among different subjects and providing practical examples as the situation warrants. I get a lot of satisfaction when students grasp a new concept. It makes my day!
My tutoring style is eclectic so I can reach each student with an unique insight that will help that student understand a concept or solve a problem. Once I get to know how a student thinks, I work with his/her strengths and try to compensate the student's weaknesses by working at his/her level and then bringing the student to a level where he/she needs to be.

Melanie F. - Chicago, IL 60616 ( 9.9 mi ) - $ 48.00 to 59.00 /hr

Melanie F.

  • Chicago, IL 60616 ( 9.9 mi )
  • HTML Tutor
  • Female
  • Member Since: 05/2010
  • Will travel up to 10 miles
  • Rates from $48.00 to $59.00 /hr
  • Also Tutors: Microsoft Office

Read More About Melanie F...

I encouraged students to find their “writers’ voice.” My goal was and still is to enable students to become more independent writers. This means that I helped my students to not only be able to report data and facts about their topics, but also interpret and explain why the topic is important to them. Furthermore, I encouraged them to connect their research to their overall evaluation or argument. In order to stress preparation for the “real world” to upperclassmen I incorporated hands-on practical projects in which students work for faculty on campus or for people in the professional writing or business field every semester.
I taught University Writing Com 101 ESL, English Composition, Advanced Writing, Business Writing, Technical Communication, and Technical Writing courses. I formed classes where students used a wide range of computer programs to create and evaluate print and on ... read more

David W. - Chicago, IL 60649 ( 14.8 mi ) - $ 48.00 to 60.00 /hr

David W.

  • Chicago, IL 60649 ( 14.8 mi )
  • HTML Tutor
  • Male
  • Member Since: 04/2010
  • Will travel up to 10 miles
  • Rates from $48.00 to $60.00 /hr
  • I am a Certified Teacher
  • Also Tutors: Microsoft Office, Graphic Design, Microsoft Excel, Desktop Publishing, Microsoft Access

A Little Bit About Me...

I love working and teaching with children.My goal is to provide the best possible education.I strive to encourage a child's strengths, while seeking ways to overcome thier weaknesses.I believe all children can meet thier potential with hard work and encouragement.
As a graduate of one of Illinois' top Teacher Colleges,I have been surrounded by some of the very best educators.They have driven me to attaiin a high level of excellence in education. I have earned a B.A in Music Education.In addition I have extensive grammatical skills due to writing research papers, essays and reports in various areas of study.During the last ten years I have traveled throughout Europe and the United States as an Educator and Clinician. In addition I have been Adjudicator for the State of Illinois' State High School Band Competition for Symphony,Concert Band,String Ensembles, and Jazz Bands.

Here is Some Good Information About HTML Tutoring

HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for web pages. HTML is the basic building-blocks of webpages. Looking for help? Select a tutor today. HTML defines several data types for element content, such as script data and stylesheet data, and a plethora of types for attribute values, including IDs, names, URIs, numbers, units of length, languages, media descriptors, colors, character encodings, dates and times, and so on. All of these data types are specializations of character data. Need help? Select a tutor now. HTML can embed scripts in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML webpages. Need Help? Select a tutor today on your terms, on your schedule, to suit your needs and within budget.

Find Hines, IL Tutoring Subjects Related to HTML

Hines, IL HTML tutoring may only be the beginning, so searching for other tutoring subjects related to HTML will expand your search options. This will ensure having access to exceptional tutors near Hines, IL Or online to help with the skills necessary to succeed.

Search for Hines, IL HTML Tutors By Academic Level

Academic Levels for Hines, IL HTML Tutoring are varied. Whether you are working below, on, or above grade level TutorSelect has the largest selection of Hines, IL HTML tutors for you. Catch up or get ahead with our talented tutors online or near you.

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