Cynthia W.
- Gulfport, FL 33707
- Expert Florida Writes Tutor
- Female Age 62
- Member Since: 03/2013
- Will travel up to 20 miles
- Rates from $40.00 to $60.00 /hr
- I am a Certified Teacher
- Also Tutors: Test Preparation, Teacher Cert Exams, Testing Skills, SAT - Verbal, SAT - Math, PSAT, GRE, GED, FCAT, Entrance Exams, ASVAB, ACT
My comments on tutoring Florida Writes : Taught state test writing preparation for many years in Massachusetts public alternative schools. Tutor extensively to prepare students for state and college exams.
I believe that all students can and will achieve academic success given appropriate instruction; i.e., instruction that is differentiated according to students' specific needs, learning styles, interests, and personal goals. As a classroom teacher and as a personal tutor, I have seen almost miraculous results in a relatively short period of time, both in terms of academic achievement and student confidence. Passion and enthusiasm for learning is contagious, and I am a carrier. For a dedicated instructor, nothing is more satisfying than watching a student "catch" the learning bug.
After attending (and teaching in) a graduate program in American/British Literature and Language at L.S.U., I realized that my true calling was teaching. I began teaching English, Journalism, S.A.T. Prep., Latin, and other subjects in Springfield, MA in 2003 in an alternative, urban high school. I t ... read more