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Hebrew Tutoring

Studying Hebrew? Having difficulties? Select a tutor today. Hebrew is a Semitic language of the Afro-Asiatic language family. Culturally, it is considered the language of the Jewish people and is one of the official languages of Israel, along with Arabic. Having difficuly mastering Hebrew? Select a tutor now. The core of the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), and most of the rest of the Hebrew Bible, is written in Classical Hebrew. Need help? Select a tutor today?

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Tutor Spotlight !

Avi R. - Italy, TX 76651 (20.5 mi) - $25/hr.

Avi R. - Italy, TX 76651 (20.5 mi) - $25/hr.

Hello :) My name is Avi, 29 years old from Israel living in Brooklyn. i have Bachelors degree in Economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. im a native Hebrew, and fluent in English and Russian. i tutored elemtary school children as part of the "flower" project while i was in undergraduate school. i teach Hebrew in different levels, both speaking, writing and reading. for more questions and trail lesson, contact me at: avraham.rivkin@mail.huji.ac.il

Avi R. - Italy, TX 76651 (20.5 mi) - $25/hr.


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