Nicholas V.
- corpus christi, TX 78413 ( 4.5 mi )
- Male
- Member Since: 05/2011
- Will travel up to 5 miles
- Rates from $64.00 to $74.00 /hr
- Also Tutors: Elementary Social Studies, Computer, Literature, Homework Help, Government, Geography, Creative Writing, Composition, Basic Learning Skills, American History
More About This Tutor...
Explaining, showing, teaching, have always been something that I enjoyed doing. If I can pass on my knowledge to someone new then, my college hardships and achievements, were all worth it. It is up to educators to teach younger generations; without us they will not know anything. After all they, the younger generations, are our future. I believe that hands on, coupled with visual learning makes for the best recipe. This allows for students to engage physically, while connecting mentally. This is something I learned through my experiences. I would want our future to enjoy the same.
Achieving a BA in history from TAMUCC has taught me to peer further into investigations of any sort. It has provided me with the tools that allow me to critically analyze situations and arguments. Being able to critically analyze different perspectives gives me the ability to discover different conclusion ... read more