Ashley F.
- Leicester, MA 01524
- Expert Ballet Tutor
- Female Age 45
- Member Since: 02/2018
- Will travel up to 20 miles
- Rates from $35.00 to $50.00 /hr
- Also Tutors: Tap Dancing, Jazz Dancing, Cheering
I am a 12 yr. Bilingual, Vetran Teacher of students + Adults
My styles of teaching includes a multi-modal approach to learning. By providing lessons with audio, visuals, and hands on materials, is sure to meet abt learning style. I crate lessons that are uniquely tailored for each individual student's needs. I provide strategies and accommodations to enhance learning. I collect on going data to measure student's progress. In addition, I use a dual immersion approach for ESL students, providing instruction in both languages to assist learning and create lessons that drive academic and social success, within and out of the classroom setting.
I am a 12 year bilingual, veteran teacher, grades K- 12. It has lead me to my current position as a part time Adjunct ESOL Instructor for Quinsigamond Community College. Working and Advocating for students, regardless of their age, is my passion. Along with studying Abroad in Spain to further my Spanish sk ... read more