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Guitar Tutors & Teachers for Lessons, Instruction or Help in Lakeside, CA

Guitar Tutoring

Guitars - Bass or Acoustic? Learning, Buying or Selling? Select a tutor today. The guitar consists of a body with a rigid neck to which the strings, generally six in number, are attached. Not sure what is best for you and your style? Select a tutor now. Playing Guitars - wanna be the next Keith Richards or Eric Clapton? Select a tutor today.

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Tutor Spotlight !

John F. - San Diego, CA 92101 (14.9 mi) - $27.5/hr.

John F. - San Diego, CA 92101 (14.9 mi) - $27.5/hr.

I have been fluent in French for over 15 years, I have spoke French since the age of four and I am willing to teach you this foreign language! I tutored students all over San Diego in beginning French. I even taught beginning French in a one month program at Point Loma High Tech Middle School. The class size was 20, so I am fine with tutoring more than one person at a time. I did private tutoring for French 1 and French 2 at Grossmont College for 2 years. Over the last 6-7 years, I have had students from all ages and they all noticed improvements in their grades. I charge 40$/hour. If you need my help, please contact me at (619) 5 six 5 4 four 76 (I enter my phone number like that, so I don't get spam) Thank you,

John F. - San Diego, CA 92101 (14.9 mi) - $27.5/hr.


average per hour



Find Lakeside, CA Guitar Lessons

Timothy W. - San Diego, CA 92103 (13.7 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $45.00/hr. Timothy W. - San Diego, CA 92103 (13.7 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $45.00/hr.

I have been a professional artist for over 20 years. I have had management experience when working as both a warehouse manager and a senior bartender. I am very outgoing and great with people. I have my CBEST certificate for substitute teaching. I have also been a professional musician for 20 years.

Also Tutors:
Timothy W. - San Diego, CA 92103 (13.7 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $45.00/hr.

$ 45.00

average per hour



Julius D. - San Diego, CA 92114 (10.2 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $45.00/hr. Julius D. - San Diego, CA 92114 (10.2 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $45.00/hr.

Through the years I’ve worked in Engineering and Capital Projects as Engineering Technician, I’ve develop a healthy and superb work ethic striving for excellence in seeking professional growth. This past decade of hard work afforded me to pass both the EIT (Engineer-in-Training) and LSIT (Land Surveyor-in-Training) State Certification Exam including a Certificate of Achievement in Land Surveying in 2004. I’ve mentored four junior enlisted members on analytical as well as graphical methods of earthwork volumes during the 2 year assignment at the Southwest Border requiring a strong background in Trigonometry, Algebra, and the sciences. I enjoy helping young people from different walks of life to reach their potential. Every child has a unique way of learning things. I’m patient, considerate, and driven by helping your child to make interesting discoveries. With proper supervision, having

Also Tutors:
Julius D. - San Diego, CA 92114 (10.2 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $45.00/hr.

$ 45.00

average per hour



Adam D - Chula Vista, CA 91911 (15.3 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $47.50/hr. Adam D - Chula Vista, CA 91911 (15.3 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $47.50/hr.

As both a native of Chula Vista and a UCSD graduate, I have seen and experienced what it takes in order to grow up from a local teenager to a qualified adult ready to take on the world. I have attained a BA in Music, which actually required an additional understanding of math, physics, and computer science, as well. My tutoring experience includes work with students at both the high school and college levels. At the high school level, I have worked with students individually and in a group setting, whereas my work with college students has been primarily on an individual basis. The subjects I have tutored include Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Computer Science. Often times, a person who is failing a subject might feel like a lost cause, that no one can help them. However, my belief is that all students are worth helping, that each individual has a right to s

Also Tutors: Musical
Adam D - Chula Vista, CA 91911 (15.3 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $47.50/hr.

$ 47.50

average per hour



Christopher T - San Diego, CA 92109 (16.2 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $44.00/hr. Christopher T - San Diego, CA 92109 (16.2 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $44.00/hr.

I have a BS in Supply Chain Management from Arizona State University, and have been pursuing a Biochemistry degree from the University of San Diego with an expected completion date of May 2012. During my studies I have become very knowledgeable in the sciences, particularly Biology, Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. I recently took the Dental Admissions Test (DAT) and scored in the 93rd percentile. The DAT measures ability in Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Reading Comprehension, Algebra, and Geometry among other subjects. I have worked with students in a small class setting, and one-on-one for about a year, and feel very comfortable in my ability to help students achieve their educational goals. I believe I am a very patient, outgoing person, which suits me well as a tutor. I feel I am a good listener and have a strong grasp on my student's needs and areas of weakness, wh

Also Tutors:
Christopher T - San Diego, CA 92109 (16.2 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $44.00/hr.

$ 44.00

average per hour



Guy M - San Diego, CA 92106 (17.8 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $47.50/hr. Guy M - San Diego, CA 92106 (17.8 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $47.50/hr.

I am a synthetic Organic Chemist with over 7 years of industrial experience with Pfizer Inc. During this time period I routinely shared research progress with my peers and helped educate them on new reactions, instrumentation, techniques and methodology. During my studies at Kalamazoo College, I successfully completed some coursework in Education and have always wanted to pursue a career in Teaching/Tutoring. My Liberal Arts background encouraged a well-rounded education that included English, Spanish, History, Science, Mathematics, and the Arts. I am a patient teacher that understands that some concepts are not easily understood and simply repeating yourself without changing your tack will not bring about understanding. Providing real world examples that are relevant to a student's interests is one powerful way to encourage learning. With regards to math and science, I've often fou

Also Tutors:
Guy M - San Diego, CA 92106 (17.8 mi) - Guitar Tutor - $47.50/hr.

$ 47.50

average per hour

